Any romance writing tips out there?

Jan 26, 2010 12:01

This romance story is going to kill me. I don't think I quite realised what I was getting into. Our stories have to follow the guideline:

Women are beautiful, intelligent, passionate, witty (ie: Mary-Sue-ish)
Men are dangerous, brooding, and cause an initial problem.
Simplistic writing style.
There must be a conflict barring the two.
Love must be consummated in some form or another.
The woman must chase the man.
Story must have a happy ending.

I personally prefer a story with a sad ending. I try to write self destructive characters with detrimental flaws. From what I understand (from the lecture I'm sitting in on), this is not something I can do for this assignment. Other than the conflict (which really should be in every story), these are all things I tend to avoid.
So that means the previous story is out the window. I might just bail out and write a borderline harlequin. Pffffft.

Any tips floating around out there?

Oh well, I'm taking the story I was working on and entering it in the Arts Council short story competition. The entry price is only $15 (cheaper than most of the contests I've seen in the area) and the prize is cash and publishing. I figure why not?
We'll see if I can get it finished for the due date.

school, writing

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