Oh, Lordy...

Jan 24, 2010 01:39

My most recent assignment has been to write a romance story for my genre class. First of all, I fail at romance. My original plot was about a boy who died in a car accident. It went up in flames. A lot like his car. I just wasn't in to it.
So then I decided to cruise A Softer World (which is an amazing site, btw). I found this little number:

And suddenly, I thought, like fucking Twilight.

So now I'm turning this project into one giant jab at Twilight and how utterly wrong and twisted the "romance" is. Basically, it's going to be about this stalker who breaks into a woman's house to learn more about her. With this information in mind, he aims at seducing her and the two fall in awful, awful love. And the story ends without her ever knowing what a complete psycho this man is. Of course, the reader will know.

I think I'm actually going to have a lot of fun with this.

school, writing

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