Sep 08, 2008 05:46
I love when drunk logic dictates that "Turn Left" actually means alternately "Turn Right" or "Go Straight through this stop sign" or "Park here on the right side of the road" or probably even "I'm on fire."
My great grandmother, somewhere near the end of her mental disintegration from Alzheimer's, had a similar habit of replacing any word she'd forgotten with the word "Potty."
The same way that nine year olds laugh at MadLibs when you use the word "poop" for any word, I thought that "Potty" was hysterical.
Tonight I saw it come out of a grown man who probably had friends and enough intelligence to purchase and maintain his own house. Except it was only the phrase "Turn Left." And as I was turning left, he'd angrily yell at me, "NO! TURN LEFT!"
I also love that I've been to Bob/CJ/Sarah's new house like a buh-jillion times now but every time has been so late at night that Sarah's been asleep. I ran into her at some point tonight while peering into the ghost town that was Louisville's bar scene and she said I needed to see the new place. Which I had, many times, without her ever knowing.
For that matter, Patrick, who she also met for the first time, has seen her house by proxy of picking me up from there. And she never new.
I also love Jesus. Carnally. Just saying.