Aug 06, 2011 14:02
What is wisdom?? I think I know.
I think it's realizing what you don't know, acknowledging this, and letting that shape the choice at hand.
They say wisdom comes from experience. But why?? What IS it about experience which gives you that wisdom?
I think it's failure. Failure, and the caution / lessons that come from failing. Doing what I do, I talk to plenty of young adults. Talk to people in their late teens / early 20s; they're so brilliant, articulate, full of ideas, wise beyond their years. There's so much passion and life in them. They think (and rightly so) that they can do anything.
But they haven't gone out there and failed yet. Talk to someone in their 40s - still quite young, still with dreams....but there isn't this blissful confidence anymore. In its place is a weariness combined with caution. Maybe that is some wisdom starting to come out. Because older people have a lot more of that weariness / caution. I dunno. *I* think it's because when you get to that age, you've gotten knocked around a bit. Maybe you take yourself less seriously because life seems to have a random and unfair nature to it, and the things you thought were going to be so important just aren't.
And you think about your parents, you remember what they thought was important, and how stupid and stodgy you thought they were. And yet, maybe you see the world more like them every day. So...if things just aren't how you thought they would be, what's right? Who knows?? SO...maybe none of it matters...
I've been sick this week. Took Wednesday off, slept all day, feverish. Worked Thu and yesterday, but did more behind-the-scenes stuff. I sound like hell, and my patients did NOT appreciate me talking to them, being near them sounding clearly ill, coughing.
Family is away this weekend visiting grandparents, it's just me and Frankie now. So I'm just laying low, cooking, trying to get better. I joined this online menu planning thing which has really been good for us - So each week you receive next week's menu along with a shopping list. It's pretty basic American fare but it's a big help when it comes time to think about what to eat / cook for dinners. You should check it out if you're short on time / ideas but would prefer to cook as much as possible.