Otanjobi Omedetou Kou-chan!

Nov 06, 2009 00:00

Title: Sooner rather than later
Pairing: Tanaka Koki/OC
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, drama
Length: One-shot
Disclaimer: I wish I could say I owned them *wipes tears*
Summary: Koki is having the worst birthday ever!

Koki woke up early that pretty dark and cold morning in November. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with a smile, today was his birthday and he was happy about the fact that he would be able to spend it all with his girlfriend Saya. They had planned this for months just to be sure that they were both off from work.

Koki looked beside him and found the space next to him empty, although he didn't really think that it was for any other reason than that she was in the kitchen, fixing breakfast for the both of them.

But when he walked into the kitchen it was empty. No Saya, no breakfast.... Not even the dogs were in their beds and that made him a little suspicious. Had she gone out with them for a walk without him? Highly unlikely.

“Saya?” He called, hoping for an answer. But got none.

Then as he moved closer to the kitchen table, he noticed the little white note with his name on it.

He picked it up and started to read it. But instead of the 'Omedetou!' that he had expected it said: “Koki. I got a call from the agency, one of the other models called in sick so I have to fill in for her. PS: I dropped the dogs off at my sister's place so you don't have to worry about them today. / Love Saya.”

He put the note down on the table again, his smile had disappeared from his face. Although he knew that Saya was very serious about her modeling and that she definitely would make it up to him, he still felt sad that their day off together had been canceled.

“Oh well, I still have my day off.” He thought and was about to start the coffee-machine when his cellphone started vibrated.

Thinking that it might be Saya he rushed to the phone to answer. Despite his harsh looks he really acted like a little boy in love when it came to her, so when he answered the phone his heart fluttered as he waited for the lovely voice to flow into his ears.

“Koki, is that you?” Kame's voice was heard, causing Koki's heart to go from ultra-speed to normal in one second. “You sound weird.”

“Kame. Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” Koki scratched his curly, black hair with a little pout. Kame hadn't wished him a happy birthday yet and knowing his friend and bandmate, if he hadn't so far then he wasn't going to and Koki, being the shy guy that he was, he didn't want to say anything about it.

“Well, it doesn't really matter.” Kame sounded a little stressed. “We need you here, pronto! You know how Johnny booked a photoshoot for you next week, right? But the deadline for the magazine has been moved up and they need you today.”

Koki started into the air in disbelief, not only had his girlfriend turned down their day off for a modeling-job, now he was about to miss out on it as well.

“It's my day off, Kame.” He whined, hoping that the other was merciful enough to tell him that it was all a joke but... No such luck.

“Sorry, Koki. It can't be changed. They need you to get here now.” Kame hung up before Koki could say anything else and the latter stared at the phone in his hand with tired eyes, he was so disappointed at the whole day that he threw his cellphone across the room and it landed behind the couch in the connected livingroom

With a sigh, he pulled on a sweatshirt, got his jacket and keys to the apartment before heading to the Jimusho for his photoshoot.

Several hours later he found himself walking home from the location of the shoot, his car had been left in the parkinglot at Jimusho since he had been given a ride by the staffmembers out to the location.

It was already dark, he was cold and hungry and no one had wished him a happy birthday so far, and Koki just felt that today was the worst birthday ever. He didn't even want to go home even though Saya had probably come home.

So instead of going back to the apartment, he went into the local convenient store to buy himself a couple of beers before heading to the playground to drink his misery away.

He sat down on the swings, he felt like the loneliest person in the world and he was almost about to break down and cry when he felt a pair of hands covering his eyes.

“Guess who.” The soft voice in his ear made him shiver, but he didn't turn around to face his girlfriend.

“Hey, Saya.” He answered in a sad voice, catching the girl by surprise.

“What's wrong?” She walked up to him and sat down on the swing next to him.

“I'm just having the worst day of my life.” Koki didn't even look up at her but he could almost feel her sad face.

“What? Is that why you didn't come home?” She inquired. Koki just nodded at the question.

“Why should I?” He took another sip of the beer.

“Because we were waiting for you. That's why Kame called you about the photoshoot, to get you out off the apartment so we could prepare for your surprise-party.” Koki looked up with shocked eyes at her so she continued.

“That's why we didn't wish you a happy birthday, we wanted you to be really surprised.” Saya looked kind off sad so Koki decided to pull her close into an embrace.

“I'm sorry for not coming home.” He whispered into her long light-brown hair.

“I'm sorry for keeping it too much of a secret.” Saya answered and inched closer to his face.

Suddenly they both felt something wet fall down on their faces, they looked up at the sky only to see big snowflakes falling through the air.

“Guess this might be a good birthday after all.” Koki chuckled and Saya leaned closer to kiss him fully on the lips and they didn't split until they were both out of breath.

“Scratch that.” He smiled. “This is the best birthday ever.”

Saya looked at him with sparkling eyes.

“Tanjobi omedetou!” She smiled at him and Koki couldn't help but to pull her into another kiss while the beautiful snowflakes fell around them.

pairing: tanaka koki/oc, one-shot, rating: g, fanfics

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