[Multi-chapter] Where the shadows reign - Chapter 4

Oct 25, 2009 17:56

Title: Where shadows reign. Chapter 4
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Ueda Tatsuya, Kusano Hironori/Ueda Tatsuya, Uchi Hiroki/Ueda Tatsuya - Onesided
Rating: Farily safe.
Genre: Romance, drama, angst
Length: 3163 words
Disclaimer: I wish I could say I owned them *wipes tears*
Summary: For centuries vampires and werewolves have been enemies and although the two clans have reached a truce it hangs by a thread and even one mistake could mean war once again.

X-posed at: jent_fanfics, kattun_fanfics, ryoda_love and ramadiii

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

The silence was deafening. The creatures were sitting on each side on the bed, not speaking a single word. Not even looking at each other.

They had sat like that for hours, neither of them moving a muscle. They were both so lost in their thoughts that they didn't even notice the man that had entered the room. He looked at the two with outraged eyes and with a hand, craving to bring itself into the face of the werewolf, he grabbed the vampire's cold, thin wrist and pulled him out off the room.

Tatsuya looked at his lover with frightened eyes and called his name but the other man made no attempt to save him and the only sign of awareness that he showed before the bedroom-door fully closed was another silent tear falling down his cheek.

“What are you doing here, Uchi?” Tatsuya tried to pry his arm away from the other vampire but he was a lot stronger than he looked.


“What were you thinking?!” Uchi's harsh voice made Tatsuya shiver as he was almost running down the streets to be able to keep up with the other who still had his wrist in a death-grip. “Why would you even think about getting it on with such a filthy creature?” Uchi pulled harder at Tatsuya's wrist causing the tears to fall from the latter's eyes.

"You wouldn't even understand even if I told you...” His voice was low but Uchi heard it all and furiously he pushed the young prince into an alley where Tatsuya soon found himself with his back pressed up against a wall with the other's furious face close to his.

“I'm not stupid, Tatsuya.” He snarled. “I understand better than you could ever think.” Tatsuya tried his best not to look into Uchi's burning eyes but the other forced his head up with a cold hand wrapped around Tatsuya's copper-colored hair.

“You are lucky I was the one who found out first and not Tegoshi.” Tatsuya shivered at the thought and with pleading eyes he forced himself to look into the other's.

"Y... You won't tell him, will you?” Uchi smirked and pushed himself closer against the other.

“That depends...” He ran his fingers through Tatsuya's hair and brought his own face closer until their lips almost touched. “....on what I get for keeping my mouth shut."

Tatsuya felt his stomach turn as he searched the other's eyes for a sign, even the slightest one, that he was joking. But he found none.

“Uchi. Let me go.” Tatsuya tried to get away but the other managed to hold him against the wall despite the younger's efforts.

“Why should I? If you would do it with him, you wouldn't you do it with me?” Uchi leaned in and placed a kiss on Tatsuya's lips. The action caught the other by surprise but it made him even more determined to get out off there as fast as possible.

“Uchi. Don't make me do this.” Tatsuya warned but Uchi was too busy fumbling with the buttons on the other's shirt to take notice of it and so, without saying anything else Tatsuya placed a strong kick at the other's groin.

Uchi fell to the ground, howling from the sharp pain and so Tatsuya took the opportunity to run as far away as he could possibly get from him.


“Notti! Please open the door!” Tatsuya banged the thick door again, hoping for younger man to let him in. Just as Tatsuya was ready to walk away he heard a small rustling as the door was opened a little, being secured with a chain.

“Why should I?” A voice was heard from the crack and it was hoarse as if it hadn't been used in a while.

“Notti. I'm begging you.” Tatsuya's voice broke as he felt the tears threatening to fall once more, he was well aware of the fact that of the two of them Kusano was the one suffering the most but he had no other place to go.

The door closed and for a brief second Tatsuya thought that the other had just chosen to ignore him but when he heard the rustling of a chain his heart felt a little lighter, because he knew that his old friend had not rejected him after all.

Kusano opened the door without a word and the other took it as a sign to get in, as soon as the door was closed and properly locked behind them the younger just walked right past him without so much as a look at him.

The feeling of being rejected that Tatsuya got from the other hurt but he knew that Kusano was making a point. After all: He had not seen him since the night of the prom... He still felt bad about leaving him all alone like that but despite of that he hadn't even tried to make it up to the other, he hadn't called nor had he come to see him. He had just tried to forget that it ever happened but soon gave up as he realized that it wouldn't be that easy.

On slightly shaking legs Tatsuya followed his old boyfriend into the livingroom, where you could hardly see the floor under the mountain of crumbled papers, old ripped magazines and empty packs of instant noodles. The windows had not been cleaned for ages and the smell inside was anything but fresh. In fact, it was making Tatsuya feel nauseous.

“So I see you haven't been in the mood for cleaning lately.” He tried to joke to break the ice but Kusano just looked at him with lifeless eyes before sitting down on the couch and resting his head against his palms.

“Why did you come here, Tatsuya?” He was still hoarse but for some reason Tatsuya didn't think that it was only because it hadn't been used in a while, the sadness in it was apparent and it made the older man cringe. “And don't lie to me.” He looked up and for the first time Tatsuya realized how much he had really hurt the young man.

“I...” He swallowed nervously and turned his gaze to the floor. He simply could not look the other in the eyes. “I had no where else to go.”

The room fell quiet. Far too quiet for Tatsuya's taste but he didn't dare anything else but to keep his eyes locked at the floor and keep quiet until he was spoken to by the other.

Kusano stood up, still silent as if there were no words to speak anymore. He walked up to Tatsuya and stopped right in front of him.

“Look at me.” He asked in a low voice but the other didn't move a muscle. “Tatsuya, look at me.” Kusano brought a hand to the other's face and brought it up to face his. A small smile planted itself on his lips although there was no reason for him to be smiling.

“Why did you do it?” Tatsuya cringed again, he had feared that question ever since he had left the other after the prom but for some reason Kusano's voice was calm and his face wore that hint of a smile. “Why did you leave me?” He stroked away a few strands of hair from Tatsuya's face and looked into his eyes, searching for an answer to the question that had been eating away at him for the past few years.

Tatsuya felt like crying. The pain in his heart was too much to bear and yet he had no right to show his tears in front of the younger when it was him who was supposed to be crying instead of standing there, smiling that almost sad smile at him.

“I don't know. There was so much going on at that time that I suppose that I just couldn't handle it anymore.” He knew his voice was shaking but he didn't care. It was not much of an explanation but it was the only one he had. “I really am so sorry for what I put you through Notti. I can't even begin to think about how much it hurt you...” The tears started falling down one after one and although he wanted nothing but to stop his eyes from shedding them there was nothing he could do about it.

Not once did Kusano's eyes leave his and not once did that smile disappear from his lips, he just stood there, listening to the pathetic excuse of an explanation from the crying man that had ripped his heart out and stomped on it.

A soft pair of lips pushed themselves softly against his cheek catching him completely off-guard and his entire body froze at the warm feeling spreading in his chest.

“You know. An explanation was all I ever wanted.” Tatsuya looked with shocked eyes at the young man in front of him, still with the smile on his face but also with tears falling from his eyes.

“I'm so sorry, Notti. I don't know what I could do to...” Tatsuya started but was interrupted by a pair of arms around his neck and a body pushed against his in a tight embrace.

“Just let me stay like this for a little while.” The younger mumbled into his shirt and with a short nod and a “Um.” Tatsuya wrapped his arms around the other and hugged him back, tight and at the same time caring.

“For as long as you'd like, Notti."


“This had better be good, Yuya. I'm on my way to a meeting.” Pi looked into the mirror, putting on his dark gray suit as his eyes were fixed on the other through the reflection.

“It is, sir.” Tegoshi bowed once more with a smirk on his lips.

“Then spill it, and make it quick.” Pi waved his hand a little as he straightened his tie a little more with the other one.

“Hai.” Yuya returned from his bow, a sadistic look in his eyes that made even Pi's skin crawl. “If Uchi is really right this information is going to change everything around here. And who knows? I might get to play with the young prince again before this is over.”


“Notti.” Tatsuya brought his hand up to the younger one's head and stroked his hair in a way that he knew the other loved.

“Um.” Kusano's voice was soft and sleepy, and Tatsuya was surprised that he hadn't fallen asleep right then.

“Why don't you go to bed? I'll stay until you wake up again.” The other's head jerked up and with worried eyes he looked up at the vampire.

“Don't worry. I won't go away like last time. I promise.” Tatsuya assured and it seemed to calm the younger one a bit although he seemed a little reluctant to be led to the bedroom.

Kusano placed himself under the covers, letting his head rest softly on the fluffy pillows that didn't seem to have been used much. Tatsuya sat next to him, mumbling about random things in a calm, soft voice to make the other relax enough to go to sleep. After about ten minutes he succeeded and once he was sure of that the other was warm enough under the covers he walked out off the room and started dealing with the warzone that Notti called his livingroom.

The first thing he did was open the balcony-door to let some fresh air inside the apartment before he started throwing away the ripped magazines and the packs of instant noodles. Then he vacuumed the floor before cleaning the windows, as well as removing the dust of the shelves and all the other surfaces that had turned gray from the non-existing previous cleanings.

Once the livingroom was actually a livingroom again he went out to the kitchen to clean up in there as well.

He knew he didn't have to but he felt like he had to do something for his old friend and the truth was that he felt a lot calmer when cleaning because he got to use his brain for something else than to think of his own life.

After about four whole hours of cleaning the apartment looked brand-new and feeling pleased with himself, Tatsuya decided that he would allow himself to use Kusano's shower. So he went into the bathroom, looked around for a towel before throwing his clothes on the floor and stepped into the shower.

The warm water hit his pale skin and slowly softened up his tense muscles that were tired from the cleaning. He stood there for a while, probably more than 20 minutes, just letting the water run down his body. For some reason he always felt more at home at someone else's house than in his own, because he would never stand in the shower for 20 minutes at home in the mansion.

A weak knocking on the door was heard and just as Tatsuya was about to say something, the silhouette of a head could be seen through the thin shower-curtain.

“You cleaned.”

“Yeah. I hope you don't mind.” Tatsuya said, feeling slightly uncomfortable for two reasons. One: He had cleaned the entire apartment without permission. And two: He was standing in the shower, naked, and with shower-cream all over his body.

“Oh, I don't. I was just a little surprised.” A weak thump was heard and Tatsuya could only conclude that the other had sat down on the floor next to the shower.

A long silence arose. Neither of them spoke, one of them because of the loss of words in an slightly awkward situation like that and the other for reasons unknown.

Soon enough Tatsuya figured that he couldn't stay in the shower forever so he stuck his head out through the shower-curtain with an embarrassed smile.

“Mind handing me the towel?” He nodded at the folded towel on the shelf and Kusano walked over, grabbed it and reached it to the other who accepted it with a little blush, draped it around his hips before stepping out of the shower.

“Did you sleep well?” Tatsuya asked when he ruffled his hair, trying to get as much water as possible out off it.

“Um.” Kusano nodded with a little blush on his face as his eyes kept returning to the other's trained, half-naked body. “I haven't slept that good for a while.”

“Then it's all good.” Tatsuya smiled widely, feeling happy that his old friend was feeling better. “I should probably get going though, I already bothered you enough.”

Kusano looked at him with a strange expression on his face.


“Well, it's probably for the best. Don't you think?” Tatsuya's lower part was now covered by clothes and he reached for his shirt when the other's hand grabbed a loose hold of his wrist and his head bowed down.

“No, I don't. I don't want you to leave yet, Tatsuya.” The younger's grip tightened as he looked up at Tatsuya's surprised face.

“Notti...” Tatsuya started but was interrupted as Kusano pushed his body close against him.

“Please. Don't say you're leaving.” A tear fell from his eyes but besides from a snivel he didn't make a sound.

“Notti.” Tatsuya placed his hands on the younger's shoulders and pushed their bodies apart a little to look into the other's eyes. “Don't do this to yourself again.” A moments silence and then....

“I love you, Tatsuya.” Kusano whispered in a shaking voice. “I never stopped loving you.” He shook off the older's hands and embraced him hard as if fearing the distance between them.

Tatsuya was confused. It wasn't that he didn't love the other because he still did, and it wasn't like he hadn't missed him, but he was with Ryo and despite the fact that it would never work out between them he loved him and nothing was going to change that.

“Notti. I love you too, and I always will. But right now I have a boyfriend and I love him very much, I couldn't even imagine my life without him and although it'll probably just hurt me in the end I will keep fighting for what I believe to be right for me.” A smile spread over Tatsuya's lips and Kusano looked at him with tear-shedding eyes.

“So there is no way you'll be coming back then?”

“Not as long as I have him.” Kusano chuckled a little although it was nowhere happy, he looked up at Tatsuya with a smile on his lips.

“I might be an idiot for saying this, but I will wait for you. Until hell freezes over and the moon falls from the sky I will wait for you.... So could you do me a favor?” He looked into those dark, caring eyes before receiving a nod from the other.


“Could you kiss me? Just one last time.” Kusano asked, cheeks starting to turn pink.

Tatsuya smiled a little at the other's shyness but still reached his hands out to cup the younger's face. He leaned in and slowly pressed his lips against Kusano's soft ones. He could feel how his beloved Notti placed his arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. The familiar yet almost forgotten feeling of Kusano's lips against his made Tatsuya's eyes water, and knowing that this might be the last time he was able to touch those lips he pushed all thoughts of Ryo aside and poured all of his feelings into the kiss.

When finally releasing each other from the embrace they looked at each other. For a long time they looked at each other without saying a word. Their hearts were beating hard and their eyes were full of tears that neither of them wanted to let fall.

“So I suppose this is goodbye then.” Kusano smiled a sad smile at the other who brought a hand up to his hair to ruffle it.

“Yeah.... I really am sorry about everything I put you through.”

“Don't be. You gave me something that I will treasure my whole life.” He hugged the older before unlocking the door for him.

“Goodbye, little Notti.”

“Goodbye, Tatsuya.

Kusano stood there in the doorway until the other's back had disappeared, watching the empty air in front of him, before as if in slow-motion he closed the door, locked it and sank down against it with the tears falling from his eyes. And it seemed as if they would never stop.


A/N: Once again I'm really sorry about not posting for a while. Been a little stressed with new scripts exams and such, I'm currently reading four scripts that will be ready productions before Christmas not to mention that I'm writing a script for my drama-class that I will direct until the 14th of November T_T So it's been a little hard to write but here is the update and I hope you like it <3
Comments are always appreciated ;)

pairing: ueda tatsuya/kusano hironori, multichapter, rating: pg, pairing: ueda tatsuya/uchi hiroki, pairing: nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya, fanfics

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