You're the one that I wanted to find.

Apr 06, 2010 23:47

 My life has been a whirlwind recently.  I am happy now, but looking back at the beginning of this year I realize I was happier then, for a million different reasons.  But I've just been mopey recently, so that could be it too.

Today was my last day at the aquarium.  Other things that have happened in my life that I should probably remember: formal with chris, sara & carla came to visit, went to Orono with sobel for the roots concert, easter at alex's, beach with my faves, lots of hanging out at steve's, went to unh with india, sobel, & jared, went to a few bars.  And a lot of other things.

There's only 10 more days of classes.  Then finals.  Then home for two months.  Then back here for two living with Liza.  Then living in the cutest apartment ever with Jess and Alex.

I always try and compare this year with last year.  I used to think this year was way better but I'm starting to reconsider.  I suppose they both average out with their ups and downs.  I can only hope that next year will be filled with more ups than downs.  And maybe I'll listen to India's advice: the past should stay in the past.  I don't like change so this is hard for me.

To be honest, once I am happy in a situation I wish it would never change.  Change only causes heartache, in my opinion.  I feel like I used to be such an optimist, especially in high school.  Maybe everything is finally catching up to me.  Hopefully someday I can get my optimism back and stop being so complainy and sad all the time.

I remember in 8th grade I used to cry all of the time and then one day I realized how ridiculous I was being.  From that day on I told myself I wouldn't let anyone see me cry, it makes me feel too vulnerable.  I did a good job until maybe sophomore year of high school.  I still don't like to let people see me cry.  I'm supposed to be the person who is always happy.  Crying isn't happy.  But I think I cry more now than before.  College has just made me an emotional wreck I suppose.

That is why I don't like change.  I like stability.  I like being happy all of the time.

Ultimate goal in life: to always be happy.


college, complain, chris, boys

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