Christmas mishaps

Dec 29, 2009 14:45

Christmas was pretty good, I got a new camera and a really nicely made little bust-figure of Ky, my sister got a carniverous plant and a remote control Dalek, there was turkey and crackers and a Christmas tree that wasn't too wilted considering it was bought slightly too many weeks in advance, and there catching up with friends/relatives we don't see much these days, and much general merriment.

Then that evening, back home (very much a cosplay-in-progress-zone this close to Wai-con) I put my foot down hard on a sewing needle that must have been sticking up out of the carpet. Said needle went about a centimetre and a half in, then the rest snapped off right at skin level and proved impossible to get out without professional assistence. The emergency department at RPH was not actually so busy on Christmas Night as we'd feared, but by now the my foot had gone and healed over the thing and it was no longer visible without an x-ray, and there wasn't going to be anyone around available to cut it out until tomorrow morning.

Up until this point this was actually not as painful as most of you were probably imagining, but spending a night trying to sleep with the thing still in my foot? Not my favourite part of the process.

I was actually given the piece of needle in a little jar to take it home afterwards. I declined - going home with it seemed against the point of the whole exercise.

So if you see me limping around in the next couple of days, now you'll know why.


How was everyone else's Christmas?
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