I went to play volleyball yesterday. A secretary from the office took me to her sports club. I am not quite sure what to think of it yet. There's something more going on. They have a motto for each week. This time it was "Think about your weak points!". And the guy I was talking to said that through training and playing they want to learn about life. All is One. Meditating daily about your strengths and realizing your weaknesses is prerequisite to improvement. And after the game everybody talked about what they took out and learned this day. Then the secretary said that it was my birthday and the men in the team tossed me three times in the air. They're awkward and cute at the same time. Though sometimes I don't know how much longer I can stand all the smiling, thanking and apologizing all day all the time. Also the music in the supermarket around the soy products is like a 10 seconds video game sound loop. If I worked there, I'd gone berserk after a day.