Yuletide 2012 letter

Jul 04, 2012 11:55

Dear Yuletider,

Congrats! You got me! Is that too vain sounding? Lol. In all seriousness, I hope you'll have a great time writing this yuletide (I know I'm looking forward to it). I'm pretty easy when it comes to fic, so I hope it gives you enough wiggle room to write what you like too.

General Stuff:

Ratings: I'm good with any rating, from fluff to shameless PWP. Whatever you're feeling. I tend to not like G rated fic if only because I find that the characters in it don't act like adults (and I like them acting their age).

Squicks: Non/dub con is an absolute no-no for me. If its something that has happened to the character in the past (as is the case with Red Eye), I'm perfectly comfortable with you mentioning it and exploring what that trauma means to the character and any relationships she might have (its part of who she is, to deny that would be wrong). I just don't want any graphic depictions of it or any of it happening between the main ship.

Other squicks include: mpreg, incest, infidelity, child/animal abuse (again unless relevant to the story in a minimal way…like if a character was abused in the past), bodily fluids not usually associated with sex during sex (so like poop and stuff), anal sex in het pairings (totally fine in slash), breathplay. A note about bdsm/kink/etc - I'm pretty good with most of it, just keep it on the lighter side please. I'm also good with rough sex (as long as its consensual). And if they are vampires I'm good with bloodplay haha. Oh, and no babyfic please.

Female Characters: I LOVE badass female characters. I love them strong, opinionated and oozing badassery. This doesn't mean they have to be leather-wearing-gun-totting types, badassery comes in all forms. And i like them to be complex and interesting and yes, have weaknesses. So I don't like the damsel-in-distress trope. Or the meek-simpering-kitten trope. Of the fandoms I've picked, all the female characters are strong in their own right so if you keep them in line with the movie, then I'm good.

Red Eye
This is one of my weirdest ships….but ug, do I ship it hard. I'm obsessed with the idea of them meeting up again…maybe a year or so later. I want Lisa to have moved on quite a bit, getting over her issues and leading a more fulfilling life. Maybe she's working for Keefe in the DOD (that would be amazeballs) and either she has to hunt Jackson out or he her. And they have to work together for some reason. I want that confident, bold Lisa from the movie. As for Jackson, I find he's a character one has to tread lightly with. I like him dark and intense, but I want to see him have another side. I don't want there to be an abusive relationship between Jackson/Lisa. How do they navigate a relationship without their past getting in the way? How can they trust each other? What kind of future can they have? Can Jackson actually commit and open up to another human being? What does the relationship threaten to their jobs? And feel free to throw Cynthia in too if you want :P

also a note: Jackson got approved as a character tag, but for some reason he's not showing up.

Lost Girl
I OT3 this show like no bananas. The only logical course of action is to ship Lauren/Bo/Dyson together; its the only way to solve my shippers dilemma. I don't really care how you go about getting these three together (woot, creative freedom) but I like the idea that its Bo's dream…like she would love to have them both together, at the same time more than anything. She can't decide between them and I think Lauren and Dyson know that being involved with a succubus means a different kind of relationship. If you want to add plot, thats cool - always a fan of a mystery to solve or a looming apocalypse…but if you just want to write me some porn, go right ahead :P

Arctic Air
I LOVE this show…and I totally ship Bobby/Krista so literally anything about them will make me happy. What will Bobby do now that Krista is engaged? How does Krista feel about this? Is it hard to work together? I don't like infidelity, so having Krista blatantly cheat on her fiance just wouldn't be cool. I'm a fan of the plane-troubles-stranded-us-and-now-were-stuck-together trope lol. I also like to see Krista taking a more authoritative role at the office.

If shippy stuff isn't for you…I also LOVE gen for this fandom. Krista is my favourite character, so anything that explores her as a character is great (I do love character studies), a day in her life, etc. I'm also a huge (HUGE) fan of female-friendship fics, so if you want to write me something about her having a night out with the ladies in the office that would be awesome. Or if its just the ladies in the office one afternoon, all the men are out, what shenanigans would they get up to?

Royce/Isabelle. What happened after the movie? They are stuck on this predator planet; how do they survive? Do more people come? How do they deal with each other? I love the fact that these two are both hardened criminals with quite a bit of blood on their hands. They are really similar in having to do what needs to be done in order to survive. They aren't the ones to fall into a lovey-dovey relationship super fast. I'm intrigued by how they would deal with one another…they are obviously attracted to each other but how does something purely physical translate into something more deep and meaningful? How do they learn to open up to one another? How will their connection serve them/put them at risk when a new batch of prey is dumped there? We didn't get too much back story about them in the movies, so feel free to extrapolate and add whatever you'd like there. Its key that Isabelle remain a badass, I don't want it to be all 'man-hunts/woman-cook' type thing with her becoming super passive and in need of protection…cause clearly she can do that herself. I want them to be a true team…equals.

fandom: small fandom, tv: lost girl, yuletide, dear author letter

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