BLOOD At the Knitting Factory 1/30/2009

Feb 01, 2009 14:48

I think I deserved to have some fun and this was as fun as it got. So many things went wrong these past 2 days but I can say this was definitely the BEST CONCERT EVA!!!!! Big pictures ahead! COMMENTS ARE LOVE! <3

The Morning

I woke up in the early in the morning to search for my camera charger because my battery is completly dead. Luck would have it that it was no where to be found, YAY! So i go pick up my check chash it at "The Vallarta" (yes im that ghetto). My mom drives me to Circuit City because its next to her work place. I bought a new charger that was 63.10$. Yes it was on sale. >.> I bus it from Northride all the way to The Kitting Factory where i met up with my awesome friend from the Dir en grey concert Anna ( weiss_kreuz101). Our other friend Dea was coming later one. Kayla (sp?) and her mom Cindy who we met at the intore event where also there. I also met another person on the awesomest people i ever met list  truesakura (I'm sorry I never got your real name, I feel bad now T_T).

At The Venue

Im at the Venue for like about an hour and a half and all of us start talking since there is only like 7 people in line. We start talking about all the concerts we've been to and bands. We then get into the subject of tickets. HOSHIT I FORGOT MY TICKETS AT HOME!!!!! truesakura said she would save my spot until i can back.  I bus it all the way back to the valley. It took about 1 hour and 20 min to get home. >.< I charge my camera for like 15 min, get the tickets and other various items that i forgot and head back to the venue. My friend Thali meet up at the Valley college bus stop. We make it back to the venue about 2 hours till the doors open. They move the line in front of the venue and they let us in around 8. Here is Thali and me before the show.  I only charged my camera less than half way cuz i didn't have time, thats why pictures are so bad.

Inside the Venue

FUCK YEA FRONT ROW!!!!! First show of the year and Me and Thali get front row!!! There was no rail for main stage but there was these 2 big speakers in front of where Fu~ki was suppose to be so thats were we were, center stage right in front of Fu~ki. We put all our stuff on the speakers and we were using it to rest our head and stuff. Anna had a goot spot, she was in the corner of the speaker and the stage, Dea was behind her. Next to me was  truesakura  and Thali. Here is a drawing.

Vamp Star

It was actually kinda fun watching them. The Go-Go dancers were there again.I think it was onlyfun because the Bassist was freaking cute!  From what i saw the crowd at front was into them. We were swaying to the music. During there last song they always call people from the crowd to come up and dance a couple of people went up and the singer from Vamp Star called DJ SiSeN out to dance.  Here is a funny looking DJ SiSen and the Cute bassist.


The curtains closed after Vamp Star. Next up was GPKism. I actually didn't like GPKism because of his vocals, but after this show i kinda liked it. Well he sounded better than he did when i first heard his music. I don't know any of his songs but he was interacting with the audience. Im so happy that i was at the speakers because everyone keep standing on the speakers which i was right in front of. kiwamu was actually smiling alot. he went up to the crowd and started pulling people's hair! Apparently he was pulling hair really hard. ouch. I really liked this song where Kiwamu did back up vocals and everyone would pump their fist when he did. Here are some Pictures.

GPK Leaving.


The cutains closed after GPKism. While the curtain was closed Roger poped his head out and siad "I want you all to dance!" Then the Curtains opened up and DJ SiSen came out holding a cow umbrella. SO cute!!! Then from the other side of the stage came a bunch of dancers came out. SiSen's hand held mixer thingy wasent working becuase it didn't have batteries i guess so he got some and was hurrying to put them in. We made a joke and said "Famoous people aren't suppose to open there own batteries, they have people to do that for them!" it was funny. Music came on and it was like a club in the venue. It was so damn fun becuase we were all dancing. During the middle of SiSeN's "performance" the cute Bassist from vamp star came out to dance! DJ SiSeN then wipped out a bag and started throwing goodies out. I was able to catch 2 of them! Here are some pictures.

DJ SiSeN's Goodie bag

cute bassist again


DJ SiSeN leaves and the curtains close again. Roger comes out and makes a speech about how BLOOD was Tainted Reality's first of everything, their first band to bring to America, their first interview and such. It was a really bitter sweet ending. unfortunatlly Kaede and Ryo decided not to come to the tour. T_T so GPK was going to help them out. Roger made us cheer and i was screaming so damn loud it felt like there was blood in my throat (lol). When the curtains opened Kiwamu was already on stage and i think GPK wa there too. Then Fu~ki comes out. Here is the setlist. I know i messed up somewhere. i was writing them down but i became distracted and forgot to write down some. Please correct me if im wrong!

The Reaper Behind Me(?)
Funeral For Humanity
I Remember You( OMFGWTFBBQSAUCE!!!!ONE!!!!1111)
Lost Sky(?)
I completly forgot I think it was Awakening
I forgot this song too! >.<
Sweetest Disease (FUCK YEA!!)

La fin de la Journee

Im just gonna give some of the highlights that happened.

Fu~ki and Kiwamu kept on standing in front of the speakers where i was. That was really awesome. During morphine Fu~ki told us to wave our hands when he sang "Im Swaying, I'm Swaying" and "I'm Falling, I'm Falling". Before the funeral for Humanity he said something about this being their funeral. Blind was freaking awesome, i was singing along to the song. There was alkot of times that Kiwamu and Fu~ki would go to the speakers and i was wondering what Kiwamu was wearing under his skirt, I didn't look UP his skirt but i lifted it a little over his boots. For those that are curious the was wearing blue sheerish tights and yes he has nice legs. I feel really bad for Fu~ki because there was this drunk girl behind us who keep massaging Fu~ki's crotch and dropping her beer all over truesakura.Well i guess my pervy dream came true because Fu~ki's crotch was in mah face alot of the time. It wasen't fun. XDDD truesakura has a pic of me between Fu~ki's legs. i was there alot. I screamed sooo hard when i heard the beginning of I Remember you. The played the japanese version of the song. I was singing along because this is my FAVORITE SONG!!!! I could have died with no regrets just becuase i heard this song live. Fu~ki also was walking on the speakers and he grabbed my head, ruffled my hair and smiled at me, not one but TWICE!! During sometime after I remebr You alot of things happened to me. Fu~ki randomly stage dived infront of me and alot of people fell including Fu~ki. Roger came up to pull him out. Unfortunattly i fell too along with my fucking camera!!!! For those of you that dont kow i have a Touch-Screen Sony Cybershot. This baby cost me 500 dollars and I love it. Thank you to all of those who helped me find it. Thanks you to Dea for putting it away for me too! I love you! <3  Sweetest Disease was so fucking awesome. I was headbanging so much! My neck is still sore i think i pulled alot of something on it because my neck is now swollen.

This part is the best part ever. I forgot which song it was but Fu~ki stage dived again and I got  A BOOT TO THE FUCKING FACE!!!  I was basically kicked in the face by Fu~ki. I laid on the speaker grabing my freaking nose my glasses fell off and i later found out that his boots broke the nose cushions on them. So im clutching my nose and im laying on the speaker.   truesakura asked if im ok and them i feel two hands grab my face and turn them towardd the front. They were Fu~ki's hands. ZOMG!!! He is crouched down in front of me and he has his hands on my face and he starts mouthing out "Ok?, Ok?" I am so Dumbstruck because its freaking Fu~ki. I give him puppy eyes and say "Yes" and he smile and nods and walks away. *dies*

The encore was really fun because everyone came out. Roger anounced the encore was La Fin de la journee and said it was is favorite song. It was really song. After they played an extened version of D.T.M.H  After they said there were doing an autograph sesion in the back and Fu~ki took off his shirt. They said the First person in line for the Autographs got to keep Fu~ki's shirt. I bought 2 BLOOD CD's and bought 1 GKPism CD got my autographs took some pictures, said bye to Anna and Dea and bussed it back home. So many things went wrong but This concert was a great concert experience i even have concert wounds but they hurt so good. I am deeply sad that this band will no longer be around, but i will always have their music. I am so happy to be a fan.

I was really close

My bruised up knees the next day

They look small but they were the size of my knee cap!

I am so happy i went to this concert. I hope to see the member again somewhere in life even though it wont be on the stage. Thank you to everyone who went to support the band and thank you to the band for putting on a great show and to Tainted Reality for bringing them over!

live report, concert

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