Live report of instore event.
In the morning I was looking for my camera charger since I lost it and I wanted to take pictures. I still couldn’t find it but my camera had a little juice in it left.. While I was getting realy one of my contacts fell out of my eye and I lost it!! >.< This was also my last pair so I had to wear my glasses to the instore event and the concert, ugh. Dea and Anna came to pick us up around 3PM from Thalia's home. I think they got a little lost. sorry! >.< Anna and Dea popped my Little Tokyo cherry because I had never been there before! XDD
We found Anime Jungle and one of Anna and Dea's friends. We were looking for a place to eat but the place didn't open till 5:30. Me and Thali then left to go buy our tickets for BLOOD since we hadn’t bought them yet. We went on the train while everyone else went to eat and made it to the Knitting Factory in about 30 min. They are suppose to open 1 hour before any show but they opened ½ an hour before the show. W/e we bought the tickets and got back to Anime Jungle. and met up with Dea and Anna. We met 2 other people, Kayla(sp?) and her mom Cindy. A pimp ass red Toyota Corolla rolled by in front of the store and out comes Roger and Kiwamu with his two Ladies. PIMP!!!! No one bothered them. ½ an hour later SiSeN, GPK and Fu~ki strolled in the venue via sidewalk next to the line. Anna thought that DJ SiSeN was just a really good fan. She was like “Damn that’s a hardcore fan, It looks just like him! HOSHIT it is him!!!” XDDD The CD’s cost more than I though I had to bowwow some money from Anna. (sorry I forgot to pay you back!!!) I bought a CD and got a poster for them to sign. No hand shakes but they did sign my stuff and posed for a picture. Roger was holding my camera backwards when he was about to take the picture! XDD it’s a little blurry but w/e everyone came out in it.
Me and Thalia.