Jan 22, 2009 22:58
Guess whose physics homework was kind of fun and not that hard... (I guess I shouldn't say that until I find out how I did, but it really wasn't that bad.)
In other news, I missed my 8am class (advanced physiology) both times this week... on the bright side, however, I did the reading for it and already knew everything we were supposed to cover, so it could have been worse. Thank you, Dr. Brown, for pounding all that crap about action potentials and a host of other neuroscience-related subjects into my brain in every class I took from you. It just might be the reason I make it through this class. (I have no idea why I signed up for the 8am section. Stupid, so stupid.) Luckily this morning, after oversleeping, I woke up 15 minutes before my second (and last) class of the day (the lecture part of the adv. physiology lab), so I got ready really, really fast, doused myself in perfume, and went unshowered. (Don't worry, I had a break after that before work in which I rectified this gross - and I mean literally - error.) And then I went to work for 7 hours and did a lot of jigsaw puzzles online, and played a lot of Text Twist, and did not do much actual work. But I don't feel guilty doing such things when my supervisor is doing them on the other computer at the same time. And then I went (late) to Sanderson's writing class and thoroughly enjoyed the last 10 minutes of lecture and then critiquing the writings of others in our writing group.
In summary, my life is not very interesting right now. But I have gotten a lot of reading done lately! Since the semester started...
-books 2-5 of the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik
-Spin by Robert Wilson
-all of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede (actually I think I started these on the drive home from CA)
-half of a book of short stories I picked up in the library... sadly, I don't remember the title, but it was checked out when I went back to finish it. (It was compiled by Mercedes Lackey, and I think all the stories were about birds. Something like that.)
Next on the list:
-Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn (I believe)
-Spindle's End by Robin McKinley (again)
-perhaps Mistborn and Well of Ascension while I wait for Hero of the Ages to come in at the library
-chapter 21 of Nathan's book... somehow I missed it...
That's all for now. I think I have a few more I've been meaning to get to... like The Magic of Recluse - I started that a while back but didn't get very far into it. But that should keep me pretty busy when I'm not playing Viva Pinata to death or doing homework or discovering new ways to waste time online. As always, suggestions are always welcome. For books and wasting time online.
P.S. Mary, when you finish Confessions of a Shopaholic, let me know and maybe I'll come visit you... incentive to finish it quick! :)
red-haired boy,