A Little Introspection

Jan 03, 2008 01:48

Happy, happy day... I love it when my grades are better than I expected they would be.  Hooray for whatever it is that caused my Genetics final score to go up!

I was pondering today why it was that I suddenly felt like this break was way too short.  I realized, when my family is all home, I don't feel guilty doing nothing but playing with them all day.  But they, for the most part, have all gone home.  So now it's nice and quiet, and I have a bathroom that I don't really have to share, and a bed to sleep in instead of an air mattress, and all the things I've been putting off in favor of playing are suddenly pressing down on me.  I actually had to write a To Do list today to make it bearable.  No one should have to write To Do lists on break.  It's a break, for crying out loud.  And yet I did.  And I only have a day and a half left to get it all done.  *panic-stricken look*  (This does not, however, help me get up before 10:30.)  Oh well... I've always been good at procrastinating...

Anyway, I just found it interesting... I can't stand to miss any fun, so even though I would have fun if I went and visited friends when I'm home, I don't because that would mean missing spending time with my family.  And they're only here for a limited time, so I must treasure every minute.  After they leave, then I can go play with friends.  (Even though that means I only have two days to play with them in this case, after playing with my family for a week and a half.)  It's the same reason I always stay up so late, I think.  If I go to bed, I would miss something fun, and that is unacceptable.  (And yet, that doesn't prevent me from sleeping in.  Probably because I find it hard to believe anyone can have lots and lots of fun before 11am anyway.)

It makes sense to me, anyway, even if it doesn't to anyone else.  I think it's kind of fun to discover these unwritten rules (which usually only apply to me) by which I live my life.

For the record, I got three things done on my list today.  I need to get at least four done tomorrow, and two the day after that.  We'll see how it goes.

lists, grades, family, introspection, school

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