Welcoming Tomorrow [multi-chapter]

Jun 04, 2011 23:21

Title: Welcoming Tomorrow [ temporary title ]

Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Ueda Tatsuya a.k.a RyoDa

Genre: A bit of everything, I guess. And yes, AU alert.

Rating: PG (for now I guess)

Disclaimer: I’m no way to be associated with the hot, sexy, multi-talented boys for I’m only a normal fan girl who can’t stop wishing and dreaming that they’re mine.  Happy now? *sobs*

Summary: He knew the fact that he was betrayed and the only way his heart can get accustomed to it was by denying every feelings that came afterwards. But when someone came knocking the door of his heart, silently, he was confused himself.

A/N : This, was written like in 2009, along with my friend here unknown77_77 . The rule was, I write one page, and she will continue another, so basically when I accidentally exceeded one page, she is to do the same, and the process keeps going on resulting in the hiatus of this piece. SO yeah, I was actually thinking of finishing the fic first, then only we'll decide how to post it but under certain circumstances we decided to post the fic, and I'll post first and she'll do so later in her journal.

And yes, the title is only temporary, we'll find a better title. Heeeee.

Hopefully, you girls will like the fic, lol.

He sat in a silent grief. He stared at the liquor in front of him, just staring without touching the clear glass. He cursed himself, over and over again, trying to forget the bitter memories. His white tuxedo was already creased, results of sitting for too long. He didn’t know for how long he had been sitting there, mute and immobile.

His family members had been trying to make he speaks for the past few hours and they failed miserably. They would at least be slight relieved if he actually drink the whiskey and be a pathetic drunken man for one night so that he could forget what happen the next day. But no. The man kept on staring that glass as if trying to break it with Superman’s laser eyes.

He didn’t know why he chose to just sat, instead of crying out loud and crash everything in his way. Everyone in his situation would do that for sure.

But he didn’t.


The crowds, his relatives and his friends had already gathered inside the hall. They were waiting happily for the couple to walk down the aisle. Ryo felt nervous too. It’s his wedding day today, once in a lifetime. He had been working hard to make this happened for the past two months. Starting from a surprised proposal to his fiancée, wedding plans, invitations and all, he did it himself. He just didn’t want to burden people around him, people close to him, especially his beloved fiancée. He wanted her to be happy on her wedding day, their wedding day, and not worrying about some stupid stuff.

He glanced at his SWATCH, counting every minute, every second that pass. He admitted that he was a bit impatient. Who wouldn’t if it’s their wedding day? He sighed. He walked pass his best men, telling them to call him instantly if his fiancée is there cause he wanted to go and search for her.

He whispered something to his mother who looked stunning in her bright purple kimono. The old lady just smiled and nodded.

“Go then…we don’t want to be behind the schedule. Ne?” Ryo nodded. He walked, fast, towards the room where he was sure, his fiancée would be.  His hand was about to twist the doorknob when he heard something. He shook. No way. He twisted the sphere metal and pushed the door slightly.

The sight in front of him was unbearable for his eyes to see. A woman in a disheveled white ruffled gown, referable as a wedding gown and a man with equally disheveled hair, lips locked in a passionate, disgusting kiss.

To Ryo that is.

*end of flashback*

fanfiction: multichap, akame, ryoda, collab fic

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