RyoDa - Just One More Step [one-shot]

Dec 28, 2009 16:16

Title: Just One More Step

Pairing: One sided RyoDa, not really clear JinDa, Nishikido Ryo centric

Genre: Fluff with angst.

Disclaimer: I’m no way to be associated with the hot, sexy, multi-talented boys for I’m only a normal fan girl who can’t stop wishing and dreaming that they’re mine.  Happy now? *sobs*

Summary: His hand had already reached out to stop Ueda but he couldn’t. He simply couldn’t.

A/N: If you watched [KDrama] You’re Beautiful, you might recognized the scene. I just fic-ed it, RyoDa way. I’m sorry if it’s not alike or too much alike. Or you’re not comfortable with me using the scene from the drama and not my own original idea. *bow*

Just One More Step

by raixas

Ryo set quite a distance between him and his best friend. And his best friend’s lover of course, which is one of colleagues too. That made everything even more awkward than before and Ryo tried very hard to not show it and so far, he succeeded.

He just kept on watching the couple with eyes expressing nothing. Once in a while he would look at his phone where a certain Ueda with a very cute expression had been the wallpaper for a while now.

“Ne Jin, what’s special in Osaka?” Ueda asked something to Jin. Jin shook his head saying he didn’t know.

“Maybe we can ask for Ryo-chan’s advice. How about that?”

Ueda nodded cutely and caused Jin to pinch his nose playfully. They kept on showing their loves for each other, ignoring the fact that Ryo was there too.

: :-: :-: :

He had been standing there for more than twenty minutes now and his legs went numb too. His phone rang for a while, playing the melody of Ai no Hana before he picked it up.

“Tat-chan, something came up so I’ll be late.” Ueda pouted.

“I’ll wait for you then.” He flipped of his phone and tugged it back inside his jean’s pocket. He sat on the nearby bench before standing up again.

“I might as well make a little tour.” He smiled before making his way down the road.

: :-: :-: :

He wandered around for a while suddenly noticing he didn’t actually have a proper disguise. Just a pair of flashy sunglasses won’t do the miracle. Even his clothing too was quite too fancy. He was supposed to meet with Jin but then something came up so he couldn’t really argue.

“Come to think of it I never actually really looked around Osaka at all.” His phone rang again but this time a very different person called him. He tilted his head in a very cute way trying to remember whose number it was before answering the call.

“Hello…Ueda Tatsuya here…”

“I know who you are really.”

“Nishikido-kun? Thank god you called. I’m here in the town.”

“W-what? Jin doesn’t pick you up? Where the hell are you?”

“I think it is somewhere the place you told us last night.”

“I’ll come and pick you up.”

“No! You don’t have to do that. I shall go back to the place so I am just making a quick trip.” Ueda explained. He heard Ryo took in a deep breath before replying.

“Ok I got it. Firstly, how’s your disguise?”

Ueda looked at himself in a flash and decided that he needed more than what he was wearing right then.

“Not so good I guess…?”

“Alright. You can go to….”


Ryo was sitting in a café wearing his usual clothes; a pair of black skinny jean matched with a white t-shirt along with a black jacket and matching Nike sneakers. To complete the look he wore a baseball cap and a pair of ray ban. Quite a disguise really. But he don’ really care. When he looked out of the window he thought he saw someone seemingly familiar. Thus he decided to call him.

“Hello…Ueda Tatsuya here…”

“I know who you are really.” Ryo sounded annoyed. He was sure enough that Ueda didn’t even bother to save his number.

“Nishikido-kun? Thank god you called. I’m here in the town.” Ryo was shocked. He almost spit back the latte he was drinking. No wonder he thought he saw Ueda. It really was Ueda after all.

“W-what? Jin doesn’t pick you up? Where the hell are you?” Now Ryo was freaked out. I’m going to kill that baka someday.

“I think it is somewhere the place you told us last night.”  Ryo remembered exactly what he told them last night. Thank goodness he’s in the same area.

“I’ll come and pick you up.” Ryo made a decision before Ueda cut him out.

“No! You don’t have to do that. I shall go back to the place so I am just making a quick trip.”

Ryo took in a deep breath before replying.

“Ok I got it. Firstly, how’s your disguise?”


So now here he was, keeping a distance from a very happy, wandering Ueda. He followed the latter from the first shop he went in occasionally calling him to make sure he was fine.

He didn’t know why, but he felt content too although it was just watching from afar.

At least he knew even if he couldn’t express his feeling he could do something else. He could protect the older in a very different way people can think.

Ueda went out from the third famous designer’s shop but this time with a black long coat and a cap.

A high taste princess, indeed, Ryo thought. He then took out his phone and called the latter again.

“So how’s it been? Your disguise?” He asked.  He heard the other’s mall laugh before replying better.

“Are you hungry?”


Ueda followed Ryo’s instruction and found a series of famous designer’s stores queuing up in front his eyes. His lips broke into a wide smile before he walked in and out from the shops, finding a better and definitely not cheap disguise.

Stepping out from a Versace store his phone rang again. He picked it up and it’s Ryo again, asking about his disguise. He chuckled softly before answering-

“Better.” Then Ryo asked another question the same time his stomach growled. He never felt happier when people ask him before.

“Never been hungry like this.” He laughed.

“I have just the right place, then.”

: :-: :-: :

Ryo took the table by the window and sat quietly. A waiter came to him and asked for his order. He simply said in a rather whispering voice,

“Can you give me the same set like that person over there?” he pointed towards a certain Ueda, filling himself up with a rather huge bowl of steaming hot ramen.

The waiter nodded and took his order.

: :-: :-: :

“Now what else do you feel like doing?”Ueda thought for a while before his tongue could feel the smoothness and sweetness of ice-cream when he saw a big advertisement board showing off the heavenly dessert three meters in front him.

“Ice cream? After that awesome ramen, I simply feel like I need something sweet.”

“Ice cream it is then.”

Ueda beamed happily. His phone was put safely inside the pocket of his new long coat after Ryo told him the direction he should go to have ice-cream.


Ryo stopped when he saw the other stopped too. He called the other and noticed how Ueda looked as if he could swallow the advertisement board about the ice cream. Ryo grinned knowing what the other had in mind. He didn’t even have to ask but he did so anyway.

“Ice cream? After that awesome ramen, I simply feel like I need something sweet.”  Just the answer he had in mind.

“Ice cream it is then. Now walk until you find a junction, turn left and walk some more before you find a big ice cream store.”

: :-: :-: :

The U of KAT-TUN tasted the vanilla, raspberry and chocolate combo of his ordered ice cream. He closed his eyes, feeling the heavenly sweet and delicious smoothness of three flavors, melting in his cavern. He giggled softly at the deliciousness of the dessert.

Then a waitress wearing the store uniform approached him before putting the tray full of varieties of ice cream-based desserts.

“Erm miss…I didn’t order these…”  He told the waitress. She smiled and simply replied-

“It’s today’s special offer. These come with your previous order. Enjoy the ice cream, sir.” She bowed before leaving the more than content customer.

Ueda grinned. Guess it’s my luck. He took an ice cream filled waffle before stuffing it slowly into his mouth.

“Sir, I’ve gave it to him.” She whispered to Ryo. The Kansai man bowed and smiled to her, uttering thank you more than once. She bowed back and returned to her job.

Ryo watched Ueda’s back as he sat only one table away from the latter. He ducked his head and ate his ice cream. Though he wasn’t a sweet tooth, he did order an ice cream just to pass his time observing Ueda eating ice cream. But of course the one he ordered was not the sweetest.

: :-: :-: :

Ueda walked happily. He was still having a nice conversation with Ryo, thanking the other when the other asked something rather weird.

“I’ve got something important to tell you. Is it okay of I surprised you?”

Ryo was only five steps away behind Ueda before he decided for once, to tell his feelings directly. Or he won’t get any other chance. He asked Ueda and the latter answered with another question.

“What are you going to tell me?”

Ryo stopped walking.

Ueda kept on walking, waiting for Ryo’s answer.

“I bet if you turned around now, and walk back, you’ll know for sure.”

Ueda stopped wandering. He looked right and left before turning around. He looked for what Ryo was saying seems quite lost, not knowing what to find.

Ryo smiled when he saw how Ueda looked lost. They were separated by some people chatting and surrounded by lots of people walking back and forth. If the latter found him, Ryo wanted to hug him and tell him how much he loved him. How he can not keep it as a secret anymore. How he wish Ueda wasn’t Jin’s lover. His smile was getting wider. It was a mere eight to nine steps and two people to pass before he could saw Ueda stopped to watch his phone, smiling sweetly and answered the call.

“You’re there already?  I’ll be right there!” He chirped playfully before ending the call. Almost immediately Ueda turned around to get his lover.


Ryo’s body was jerked forward but he stopped in a millisecond. His hand had already reached out to stop Ueda but he couldn’t. He simply couldn’t. His ever widened smile disappeared almost as quickly as the way Ueda turned his back.  He watched the way Ueda walked and bounced happily.

“You were so close-

If you had taken one more step…”

His hand fell weakly.

He felt that everyone around him was in fast-forward mode leaving him alone after each second.

He kept on watching the direction where Ueda headed to even when the other was far away from there, probably had already been with his lover.

He couldn’t do anything other than standing there, dumbfounded.

He simply couldn’t.

Critics, comments and reviews are awesome!

fanfiction: one-shot, ryoda

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