RyoDa - Missing My Nemesis [one-shot]

Dec 25, 2009 00:57

Missing My Nemesis

by raixas

It is this time of the year again. The season of holidays and greetings where it snow and the roads are piled up with the white substance, the stores and hypermarkets doing Christmas and New Year sales, the season where one would stare at the dark winter sky and feels sadness through the beautiful night view. Not anyone but the one and only Ueda Tatsuya. The U of KAT-TUN.

He stands behind the bridge rails and stares. His hands are hidden inside the pocket of the long black checkered winter coat. Underneath he wears something warming as well as a long matching scarf wrapped around his neck and shoulder to survive the freezing temperature. He heaves a heavy sigh remembering something or rather someone.

The thoughts of missing him make him shivers and certainly the cold surrounding doesn’t contribute anything. For him it is just so wrong to actually miss him through all the constant if not always verbal-kind-of assaulting by the other towards him. He used to care about all those words but at one point he doesn’t seems to mind anymore for what he heard or hypothetically interpreted them as one way of telling him to work his best, a good luck wish or break a leg kind of wish.

He smiles because he knows too well what the other’s plans are.


He, Nishikido Ryo is most and definitely not going to admit that he misses one person in Tokyo. But he can’t really avoid that tingling kind of feeling inside his heart. Sure he missed him but it’s not like the other needs to know it as well. He’s okay by just watching, really. And perhaps some push to the other in a not so decent language cause that’s his way of saying ganbarre. And for all he knows, he’s been doing that for years, trying to keep the other from doing anything wrong like blond-ing his hair in which he had already done. Since from the beginning, he made a mental note that he is his only nemesis the moment his heart was captured by him.

He is in his apartment in Osaka since the schedule is full of his activities with Kanjani, TV shows and to practice for the countdown concert at Kyocera Dome. He wishes to be in Tokyo, with NEWS (because he hasn’t been able to do lots of thing this year with them and not that he is ditching Kanjani he just feels the balance is not there anymore for this year, even the fangirls notice this) and most importantly, near him. During countdown or what so ever, a simple glance would be enough for him. Though it never will be enough. Strumming the guitar in his hand, he hums the melody of Last Christmas in his throat.


Ueda waits for the other to pick up the phone while blowing hot breath to his non-occupied hand.

“Hello Nishikido.” He greets, hiding the fact that he is anxious.

“Well hello Ueda. What makes you call me?”

“I’m trying to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Nishikido, and of course praying that this conversation won’t be interrupted with unnecessary cursing or mocking.”

He swears he heard the other chuckled.

“Oh Ueda, you never fail to amuse me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too and yes I’m not going to do that since I’m being a gentleman.”

“Shut up…and stop laughing, idiot!” He pouts since the other doesn’t even stop chuckling instead he laughs louder.

“Oh I’m sorry…as I said before you never stop amusing me…” Ryo replies after a good three minutes of laughing at Ueda.

“Yeah right…I’m just an object of amusement to you…”

“Don’t sulk please…it doesn’t suit you…I was just joking really. But then you should be immune to my unnecessary cursing or mocking. Last time I did that you seem to be enjoying yourself just as I’m enjoying mine…”

“Cause I’ve been translating your unnecessary mocking as a good luck wish and that has been my super power for a while now…”

“You’re the only one who understands how bad my vocabulary is when it comes to wish good luck…”

They are silence for a moment when Ryo breaks it.

“Hey…I miss you…”

“I miss you too since you are way too far in Osaka…” Ueda admits.

“And not to mention the moment when we didn’t get along…”

They laugh together.

“Nishikido, what are we?” He asks suddenly, completely forgetting the feeling of nervous instead he is full of curiosity.

“Search your heart and you’ll know…”


Ueda clutches to his heart. His heart swells inside.

We’re lifelong enemy Nishikido ever since you have put my heart in your love dungeon.


Critics, comments and reviews are awesome. :)

fanfiction: one-shot, ryoda, it's new year again

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