Birthday Present!!

Mar 12, 2009 18:01

Title: Pi’s almost discovery

Pairing: Pi-centric, PiKame…? RyoDa…?

Genre: Crack…? Failed one~ =_=’’

Rating: G

Summary: I dunno, too short for one and too long to be considered as drabble…? Soo~ one-short…?

It was a rather peaceful day for a man named Yamashita Tomohisa @ Yamapi. He was wandering around jimusho for fresh air after the exhausting dance practices plus, he was looking for his ‘Shuji’. As he was about to pass a certain room, he stopped abruptly. He thought he heard voices.


Slowly, Pi walked towards the direction where the voices came. He closed the gap between the door and himself, bringing his ears closer to the door so he can hear the voices again thus identified the owner.


“… …” who’s inside? He wondered. His hands roamed the door to reach the doorknob. His fingers had encircled the metal. Kreeeek…

The door next to the door Pi was leaning to was opened, revealing a turtle…err…Kame…automatically Pi’s fingers let go of the doorknob.

“Kame!” Kame’s eyes widened when Pi suddenly hugged him.

“Pi…?” he asked, startling. Pi pulled back, grinning wide.

“It’s you!” he screamed of happiness.

“…yes?” Kame blinked.

“I thought I heard voices but then it’s you!” Pi explained. Kame formed an ‘O’ with his mouth.

“Owh…I was just memorizing my lines in there,” he pointed to the door behind him. “Since the dressing room is in chaos…you know Jin and his never-ending hunger, TaNaka and yes Junno…with Tat-chan nowhere to be found…I bet you know…” Pi nodded. He definitely knew since his band members were similar to KAT-TUN.

“For sure~ even my band members were like that…Massu to be compared to Jin, KoyaShige, and Ryo disappearing into thin air plus that Tego-nyan…sigh…they are something…that’s why I was looking for you…ne, since I’ve already found you let’s go grab something to eat?” Kame tilted his head and thought of something before nodding.

“Of course! Ikou?” Pi grabbed Kame by his arms and leaded the way to the jimusho’s café.

They kept walking when Pi suddenly asked something.

“Kame…did you moan in your scripts?” Kame’s shocked.

“What? No of course!” Pi chuckled.

“Funny…since I heard people moaning…?”

“Eh….?” Pi shook. could it be...? nah~!

“Let’s just forget about it and get something, I’m starving!”

“Hime~ you’re too loud!” Ryo whispered in annoyance, hands busy fumbling with the zippers.

“Wha-? You’re the one who’s yelling, midget! Not me!” Ueda retorted back, fingers working fast on the buttons of the other’s shirt.


☆This was written in the middle of my test, History paper… =_=’’ somebody please shoot me…n i have biology tomorrow

☆a belated birthday present for Hanny-neechan and Lissa-neechan~

Next time I’ll try to make a proper birthday present for each of you~ gomen! *bows*

Best wishes for Lissa-neechan, may god bless you and all of your wishes come true! Happy belated Birthday!

fanfiction: drabble, birthday presents

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