From time to time I like posting links to articles if they represent a technology that I think is truly revolutionary. I'm not talking about things like the next iPhone or the hot new social networking site. I'm talking about things like power generation and energy efficiency. This is an article on how Norway is going to run their city buses on Biomethane. Basically it's the methane created by waste products adapted into a renewable fuel.
The reason why this idea has stuck with me is you're turning a waste treatment system into a power generating one. It doesn't have the problems of solar, which requiring access to the sun. It's building on existing technology, we already know how to make vehicles and power plants that run on compressed gas. It's carbon neutral, when you dig coal and oil out of the ground you add to the carbon in the atmosphere, if you use Carbon that's already out there you're not adding new carbon. That's why people's breathing hasn't really entered into the carbon debate except as a strawman by Beck and Faux News.
I'm reminded of a Jon Stewart interview back when Senator Kerry was running for President in 2004. There were talking about the energy crisis and Jon flippantly said: "What we should do is figure out a way to run all of our cars on fast food." After a fashion that's what you're doing here, it just goes through a couple of filters first.