Feb 03, 2007 09:51
I got put in a Dvorak Quintet for my chamber music group, and I'm playing viola. THAT is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
Oh yes, and it's Dvorak's Quintet for 2 violins, viola, cello, and BASS!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! And the other memebers of this quintet seem to be serious about it, which is good. I hate getting put into chamber groups with people who don't really want to be there.
Also, our coach (I think he's our coach, he's one of the chamber professors) is an active studio musician. He plays viola for LOST and random video games and stuff. I talked to him for a bit about studio musician stuff, how I want to do it, how I also want to be an engineer and producer, and he invited me to tag along on some of the upcoming calls he gets! I won't be allowed to play, obviously, but I can watch from the control room, which would be GREAT experience and schmoozing. ^_^ I WIN!
Orchestra was orchestra. Our conductor handed out the Tchaik 4 excerpt test list. Nothing too surprising on there, but it DOES mean I have to put in measure numbers for every movement of the symphony. I know I should do that anyway, but it's annoying knowing that my stand partner won't. Whatever. I also keep messing up all the high notes, but I can play the blasted rhythm that it seems nobody else can really get right. Or maybe that's because I'm in the back. I know I keep harping on that, but one would think that they'd want to have a grad performance major somewhere in a position of power. ::sigh:: I guess that's what happens when the string department is in a state of flux and there's a band conductor running the show. >_<
After orchestra I worked out, then drove home and had an hour of downtime before CYOSC. After CYOSC Gene took a bunch of us out for dinner, then Cyrus, myself, Adriana, Philip, David, and Kat went to Cyrus's house and watched the DVD of ventriloquist and comedian, Jeff Dunham again. Cyrus and I keep saying we have to see Jeff Dunham live at some point. That would be awesome. We all hung out until 2 am or so.
Anyway, I should go. I have a lot of work to do, plus I should attend the performance class today, which I'm not recording 'cause there aren't many players according to my boss, then I think Gene and I are going to the music store where I'm gonna try violin and viola bows and stare at the pretty case again. I guess no hoodies being available for the Dir en grey tour is a good thing, it'll save me money I shouldn't spend.