Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 20, 2018 18:18

Dear Yuletide Writer:

First of all, thank so much for signing up to write any of my fandoms! I am so excited for Yuletide. It is one of my favorite things of the year. I have tried to give prompts and information so hopefully there is something below that strikes your interest, but if not go with your muse and have fun.

While I do list for pairings I like for some fandoms, I would be just as happy with gen. My general likes and dislikes are below and I've added some notes to each fandom. I generally prefer things to level out at R rated, but for some of my prompts below, it can go further if you want. Or if you want to set up and fade to black that works for me as well.

Things I like in fic (not necessarily all together): lightness, humor, wistfulness, silliness, things that are reflective, fun, wacky hijinks, and getting into (and out of) trouble. I am a sucker for a happy ending.

Things I do not really like in fic: violence, animal harm, in story character death (things that deal with canon character death is okay), lots of darkness (a little is okay), non-con, and character bashing.

Me, Myself, and I


I love this show so very very much and the family dynamic that it portrayed. I especially loved the brother relationship between Justin and Alex. I really liked how the show tied the lessons through time from young Alex to midlife Alex to older Alex.

I picked Any, because I really would love any of the variations of Justin, Alex, or Abby, alone or together

Prompt ideas: Justin and Alex’s first road trip as kids, then when midlife Justin and midlife Alex take young Abby on her first road trip, and then again a fun road trip with older Abby, and older Justin and Alex. Or if you just want to focus one point in the show, that works too!

Or you could do Justin and Alex's first house party, then when Abby throws one, and it can tie into how they all act when they are older.

Anything with Abby along would be great as well. I wish the show had gotten to explore her more.

Any combination of the characters at any age would be lovely. Plus I loved the mom and dad and everyone else in the show.

Additional notes:
This show was my jam and my happy place. Every episode made me smile and made me happy. This was one of the best family dynamics on this show.

Hart of Dixie

Lemon Breeland
Lavon Hayes
Zoe Hart
Wade Kinsella


I am so very very sad this show ended and I miss checking in with the residents of Bluebell, Alabama. I would love some post series finale fic with Zoe and Wade still living in the guest house and Lavon and Lemon married and living in the main house. Especially dealing with raising kids.

Or really anything about any combination of these four. I loved how Zoe and Lemon's relationship developed over the series and I really think they ended in a good place though I'm sure Lemon will never be able to avoid schemes and dragging Zoe into them or vice versa. and Lavon and Zoe - I loved that they just became fast friends!

I also would totally be cool with Lemon/Lavon or Wade/Zoe ship fic with a side of the other two. I loved it when Zoe and Wade were friends with benefits and how they carried that forward into a real relationship.

I also love everyone else in the town - Tom and Wanda and Annabelle and George, etc. Include anyone you need to make the story work.

Additional notes:
This show is just so fun and light and wacky and awesome. I have watched a lot of it twice, including the last season. I was very happy with how it all ended. Now I just want more!

The Brave


I was so bummed this show was canceled. While I do ship Adam and Jaz, I really just loved their working relationship and how the team as a whole just jelled. So if you want to go gen, go for it. If you want to go the ship route, I am totally game!

For prompts, I am a total sucker for the pretend to be married/dating while going undercover on a mission. It can be as friends or in a relationship trying to hide it from the others (though I assume they would all know) or just at team mates. Or just mission fix, I love a good adventure.

Please feel free to include the whole team and write team fic featuring these two.

Things I like in fic (not necessarily all together): lightness, humor, wistfulness, silliness, things that are reflective, fun, wacky hijinks, and getting into (and out of) trouble. I am a sucker for a happy ending.

Things I do not really like in fic: violence, animal harm, in story character death (things that deal with canon character death is okay), lots of darkness (a little is okay), non-con, and character bashing. Please nothing rated higher than R.

The Americans

Elizabeth Jennings
Paige Jennings
Henry Jennings
Philip Jennings | Clark Westerfield

I love this show with all of my heart. I would love fic showing what happens next. How do Philip and Elizabeth adjust to being back in Russia? How does Henry go on without his parents? What are Paige next steps? What happens after the cold war ends and Elizabeth and Philip try and reach out to Paige and Henry? Does Paige contact Henry and have a relationship? I have so many questions! I would any exploratory future fic. Include anyone and everyone - if you have other people who you want to check in on in the future do it!!

Go as close or as far away from the finale as you would like.

Additional notes:
The series finale of this show pretty much wrecked me. I thought about it for days and I loved it so much. I loved Peter and Elizabeth and Henry and Paige and their family and how it all just happened. I imagine Elizabeth and Philip had trouble adjusting back to Russia and Paige landed on her feet and kept in touch with her whole family, and Henry kept in touch with Stan and moved on with this life. I just loved loved loved it all so much.


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