Feb 28, 2020 07:24
The running theme in last night's dream is that I'm not really remembering dreams anymore. Merely impressions. When I was dreaming, I was trying to get in some house. First I tried climbing over a flimsy wall which couldn't support my weight, plus my arms didn't feel strong enough to heft me over anyway. I do recall reaching over the wall to pick up and replace telephones. Old style telephones one had to take off the hook, rather than newfangled smartphones tracking you like so many bears by the Bureau of Wildlife Management. A woman was nearby and she recommended I follow her around the side where we encountered several gray parrots with a few fiery red feathers throughout their plumage. The birds couldn't fly, they just hopped up and down. Joining them was a large white or tan dog who resembled a german shepherd. I gathered the dog was the parrots's protection and enforcer after I wandered away from the parrots rather than following their instructions to follow a particular path. The dog growled like a bear and it was pretty scary. I think I dreamt of speaking aloud, how I'm not remembering dreams and various reasons to blame for my lot in dreaming life.