Dec 05, 2018 20:15
Since the Cougar is in the shop, I've been bumming rides left and right to and from work.
Tonight I met my co-worker's husband, he writes algorithms and does construction. Admirable. My co-worker "O" mentioned how there could be a tick mark in a program but if it's tweaked, everything around it will fall apart.
Huh, good point.
Then "O" mentioned how a fellow co-worker used to work with her. All of a sudden my brain made the connection, "Some of my co-workers also know the astronomy club treasurer or have attended events. O and this other co-worker "D" knew each other. From there I had a small reverie about the interconnectedness of everything.
I guess it was also fuelled by the fact that I fixed up the situation with my health insurance and I was the one who found the part to fix the Cougar. A part the garage wasn't able to find. Shit's so cash. Plus my ride home tonight was a last-minute thing. I was afraid I'd have to walk from Lakewood to my house, which is about fifteen miles.
Which brings me to a wonderful anecdote I heard about near-death experiences which is also applicable to psychedelic experiences.
I can't find the link but hopefully an Australian colleague will have it handy to share here by tomorrow or Friday.
The analogy goes like this. In life, consciousness is like a flashlight beam in a pitch black warehouse. No matter where we look, it's lit (🔥💯, lol), but everywhere else is wrapped in shadow. We only apprehend, and appreciate, a small bit of our world. When this woman had a near-death experience, she explained it as if the warehouse lights were suddenly turned on and she could see the entire warehouse at once. In that analogous moment, there was a profound feeling of connection with everything. It's also the psychedelic experience.
What makes this even more interesting is Julian Jaynes, author of The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, uses the same analogy of consciousness being a flashlight beam in a darkened space.
So I think I need to acquire the materials to synthesize DMT and finally break on through to the other side at long last, or die trying.