Apr 13, 2018 07:44
The dream's memory began as I was laying in bed with my friend Hayley from England. She's getting ready to go to sleep, pulls off her brown shirt, I hide my face in my arms to keep her modesty when she says, "What do I have to do so you get the message?" At this time the white sheets are billowing around like a television commercial.
Well those billowing white sheets were my brain's way of saying "Let's look away so they can get things started", much like old black and white films.
New scene, I'm anxious about what was done and its consequences. Hayley is confused by me. We go to a supermarket where she picks up a can of Scooby Doo root beer to bring back home. There was only one twelve pack, it was opened with very few cans left at the bottom. I make a sidelong comment about how she wanted to be a marine biologist (untrue in waking life) and how I live at the shore. Kinda creepy of me.
We went to a park where an obstacle course was being run. First stage was swinging on a thin piece of elastic string across three meters. Despite my bulk, I'm actually swinging across the sandy stretch underneath the bar. When I land on the other side, a girl is sitting near a box brimming with large, natural sponges.
"You need to put your hands in and see if you can guess what's in there!"
I reach in, feel around, touch something smooth and jerk my hands back. I push some of the sponges away to reveal a hybrid snapper turtle/dog lurking in there. Once the beast is able to see me, his demeanor becomes more mellow. As I go through the dream, I note many people have one of these critters as companions.