last night's dream

Dec 12, 2015 09:57

I was riding my bike through a city I called Newark. It didn't look like Newark, nor any other city/town used in dreams as a frequent backdrop. Night had fallen, I was pedalling through the rain-slick streets when I found the most dangerous road. This had an extremely steep incline, bordering on perpendicular to the ground. I remember that I had turned a corner, saw there was nothing in front of me and stopped short.

Heading off in a new direction, a building caught my interest. I took out my phone, went inside to film my explorations. A young black lady came downstairs, confronted me with her phone to film my antics, whereupon I turned tail and ran like a little baby.

The dream wrapped up where I was in a bedroom with Bailey Jay. I crapped out on the bed, feeling just as fat as I feel in real life. Suddenly I had to poop, and went into the hotel's basement to pinch a loaf. When I flushed, the toilet spat a gob of vomit on my shirt and began overflowing. First clear water flooded the floor, followed by black sludge. It was hip-height before I climbed atop a partition and began calling for help.

Lots of people came to gawk at my situation. Worse, they had photos of me laying in bed with Bailey Jay. Nothing sexual was happening, I was just embarassed being seen flat on my back, without a shirt, and looking like an albino bearded walrus.

cycling, newark, dream, toilet, bailey.jay

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