thomas, jesus, tammuz, twins, and bicameralism

Dec 07, 2015 22:33

Tammuz means twin, and the name Thomas derives from it.

Jesus Christ is the son of God or son of man depending on which gospel you accept as gospel. He had a crew of apostles, and Thomas was one of them. One theory is that Thomas was Jesus Christ's twin brother, and the name is a BIG wink and a nudge. Somehow they pulled a Parent Trap on the Romans, and Christianity was perpetuated by their ruse.

Or, Jesus and Thomas were the same man.

To be brief in recapitulating bicameralism, this is a theory where people were not conscious like you and me 'til after the Bronze Age collapsed ~5kya. Instead people trudged through life with brief moments of inspiration where the right hemisphere provided adomnitory hallucinations as guidance. A fun way to think about it deals with modern folk who ask "What would Jesus do?" If they were bicameral, they'd hallucinate Jesus and that vision would tell them what he'd do and how they should handle a situation. Vestiges notably remain with schizophrenics, making up the lion's share of the population, and a vanishingly small population of people who haven't caught up with the Joneses. Read all about it in Julian Jaynes's The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

I propose Jesus and Thomas weren't two individuals, but one. Thomas is the ordinary personality, the "Jack" from Fight Club. When manifesting the higher self, espousing all those sweet philosophies of peace and love Thomas became Jesus. Much in the same way "Jack" was always Tyler Durden.

Oops! Spoilers on a 16 year old movie.

What about Thomas's doubt? Being not fully conscious, Thomas could not apprehend his true self. This individual was crucified, died, and was buried only to stumble out three days later. Ancient Hebrew traditions had people lay in state just in case they weren't truly dead. They weren't in Munchkinland with an official coroner to sing a eulogy. Believing Jesus was dead, watching the crucifixion via an out-of-body experience, he had to face the realization Jesus and Thomas were the same person.

When he put his fingers in the wounds, he was examining himself.

Such a wild hypothesis invites a deeper hypothesis. What happened to Jesus after he pissed off the rabbis as a teenager?

Jesus went into remission, and Thomas lived a life from then until his 30's whereupon he reacquired his imaginary friend. His true self. His divine will.

Appreciating this crazy theory, from an ancient book of sketchy provenance with miracles happening and nobody batting an eye, either illustrates the fiction within the Bible or there's something very interesting happening with the Christ figure.

new.testament, religion, jesus.christ, bicameralism, thomas, writing, tammuz, bicameral.mind

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