So I'm at the library. I think I've mentioned my Sephmuse has been pretty active lately*, so it was no surprise when he perked up the minute I walked in the door. He made happy noises at me for a while, and then half an hour ago he wandered off and I haven't seen him since. I'm probably going to find him in some out-of-the-way corner, curled up in a chair and surrounded by piles of books.
The whole business is disturbingly cute.
In hopefully-unrelated news, I found a couple of books of celtic-themed cross stitch patterns that I'd like to see if I can adapt for tapestry crochet. Most of them are probably too complicated for me, but there are a few simpler motifs I could try. ...I am starting to suspect a certain out-of-controlness.
*For reference, last night I got two pages of a fic based on
ciceqi's tentacleverse, plus a bit of my Fluffiroth opus. Unfortunately, all that meant I didn't crack 20,000 words in flowerverse the way I wanted.