I are dede omg.

Sep 04, 2007 14:11

Labor Day Weekend kicked my ASS. x_x

drharper, wanting to share in the joy of Renfest opening weekend (and why wouldn't she?), came up Friday evening. There was much crack. ^_^ I had gate duty for about a half-hour in the morning (which turned out to be more like forty-five minutes), but afterwards we found each other again and squired each other about. Shows included the pirate version of Romeo and Juliet and the human-combat chess match - over the course of the weekend, I think I went to more shows than I did in the entirety of last year. I introduced her to my fellow villagers and the "Seargent" definitely took a shine to her. XD Afterwards we went home and watched a truly fabulous MST3K and had pizza and ice cream. Epi went to bed around ten, about half an hour before poptartodoom arrived to add her own special brand of Love and Win to the weekend. Cue floppage.

We began Sunday by getting good and glittery at the fairy wand booth, and good and messy at Bread Bowl - apparently my request to put said delicious lunchtime treat in my own wooden bowl completely flummoxed the vendors, so I had to do a bit of creative transferring. Our goal was to decorate Poptart's lovely hat in as many shiny things as we could get our paws on, so we trolled the shops and shows looking for ribbons and feathers. At the maypole I finally discovered how to show off my cleavage in a bodice, thanks to Penny poking at me. XP At pub sing I got to get up and do a song, but I forgot the third verse rather abruptly. Argh. XP Anyway, afterwards we had pizza at LaRosa's and I crashed at about ten o'clock, leaving Epi and Poptart to giggle over CSI: Ark.

Monday was interesting - it saw the advent of Henwen the Oracle Stick, who apparently has it out for Epi as it got her punched in the face. XD What happened was, a fellow wench asked it a question, and it responded by falling on Epona. Clearly the answer was to hit her! So... the wench did. (Totally by accident. She missed the knap a little bit.) So that was an interesting start to the day. We proceeded to attempt to placate the stick by decorating it with as many ribbons and bells as we could find over the course of the day. We also saw Bunnies in Peril and the mud show, and my dear Poptart got me kissed by one of the mud-covered players. XD I swear, those two are better at my job than I am.

My parents had been out of town all weekend, so when we came home on Monday Epi finally got to meet my parents. We proceeded to have peanut-butter-jelly sammiches and watch Dirty Jobs, and die laughing at every little thing. Yeah, I was at that stage of tired where everything was funny.

Soooo glad I don't have anywhere to be today.

Highlights and Quotes of the Day:
- Sippy horn!
- "Fire the cannon!" "YOU'RE FIRED!"
- Stealth breasts
- "Did I hear correctly that 'robot porn' is your get-out-of-accent trigger?" (Before you ask, yes it is. Nothing else snaps me out of character faster.)
- The Red Green Show - moonshine in a washing machine
- Pointy things!

Also, I really, really wish I could sing this at Pub Sing. I'd never get away with it. XD

renfest, happiness, humor

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