Jul 11, 2008 11:16
I'm worried.. to say the least. So worried infact I think I made myself sick. I tried to sleep last night and I couldn't. The meeting on thrusday that was supposed to be about our transition turned out to be a meeting held by the President and VP about how our jobs are up in the air because Orange county and DCF haven't made their decisions to allow our funding to go to Lakeside or not. And if they decide against it (because united way is trying to back stab us by creating their own crisis line and they pulled our funding without informing us) Lakeside cannot afford to support us so we would be laid off. I'm worried.. and I think it's rightfully so considering I JUST BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!!! ugh... I'm trying to keep my mind about things but it's really hard to right now. I've already been throwing my resume out there to see what I can get from it.
And if worse comes to worse... and next thursday (my 4 year anniversary with Jon I might add) I'm out of the job... I'll take the weekend off to mope around and be depressed and then Monday I'll work my ass off and apply everywhere I can think off and I'll keep doing it until I get another job and in the mean time I do have the part time work for LB which is nice but it's only $7 a hour so... it's nothing I could possibly live off of.
I don't want to think negatively though... we haven't gotten a "No" just yet... I'll have to wait and see.