Jul 09, 2008 12:29
I love my new car!
I love love love my new car!
The ride is sooooo smooth and it doesn't have any of the quirks that my old car had. I do miss my old car a bit but I'm so happy with the new one not to metion that it's utterly cute!
Lakeside cancelled our meeting yesturday for some reason (still unknown) but they are coming in on thrusday (my day off) to have the meeting. I will be there and I will take my two hours of overttime thank you very much. My car is getting detailed on thursday before the meeting too so I'll be looking hot in my hot car. LOL.
Okay, I'm off to make myself presentable for my part time job. Oh, I think I might have forgotten to mention. I had to get a part time job to help with finances. I'm working for Lane Bryant (the plus size clothing store). I get a nice discount... 40%. So... Rachel will be getting some cute clothes soon too.