Oh hai nurse.

Mar 31, 2009 13:40

I seriously fecking LOVE my course. Don't care if I come off as nerdish; I know completely and utterly that nursing is for me. You get the bad things, like in every job (and I know this from working in a hospital - it certainly isn't like anything I expected), but it's what I'm here for. To be a freaking awesome nurse, yo. I said a hospital isn't like anything I expected and it's true, but in a good sense, I guess... I've seen some AMAZING things working at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, no matter how much I complain about the place. I've performed CPR on someone along with nurses and doctors in the code blue because they were all getting tired, I've seen lots of people die in front of my eyes, I've seen even more bodies, I've seen a patient on the roof of the hospital almost ready to jump, I've seen families outside the room of a loved one who's just gone into code, I've seen so much. And that's just as an orderly.

Think about what I'll see when I'm an RN. I'll be the one saving lives then, I'll be the one who has the duty of care to sick people, the one comforting families (especially in the ICU - which is where I'd eventually want to work) when their loved one has passed away, I'll be THAT person.

That's why nursing is for me. Taking care of people, not just who are sick and legally in my care but also the people who are affected by it... I've seen enough to know they sometimes suffer infinitely more.

Today's lab was the best I had, even after the med calc one last week. Instead of limp dummies we had the INTERACTIVE ones this time - and it was so. damn. cool. I had to restrain myself from playing with him all lesson. It was lung and thorax assessment class so basically we listened to him breathing (yes... he could breathe) and identified what sort of respiratory problem was most likely. All sorts of things are programmed into them, different breathing patterns, coughing, vomiting, even screaming! The latter frightened me a tad. Here I am with my trusty stethoscope on my patients chest listening to his poor lungs when all of a sudden he goes "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!" on me. The teacher was playing around with his various functions and accidentally pressed the "Emergency Department" area.

I was way too amused.

His tongue and teeth and everything about him was so life-like! It would be scary if I hadn't found it so frightfully fascinating to watch him breathe and "take care" of him under various ailments.

My course, as I said, is awesome. Now I must do a not-so-awesome things and study for my mid sem exam tomorrow... tute on.

interactive patient dummies = teh shiz, nursing

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