(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 16:09

Fucking road works.

I missed TWO of my classes today because they had to re-route all the buses and I was just too damn tired, hot and confused to walk around in the sweaty heat looking for a damn bus stop to take me to uni. Screw them, screw transperth and screw this heat.

I gave up and stormed back home, made myself some lunch and watched Arrested Development. So, ya know, the day didn't end up so bad. Apart from the whole missing out on vital prac stuff in my nursing lab today. I think I'm not alone when I say - ORGANISE YOU SHIT BETTER TRANSPERTH. This is about the fifth time the bloody buses have completely ruined my day... I almost missed a fucking EXAM because the bus just plain decided not to show up last semester; thankfully I have a damn awesome partner who was willing to drop uni himself to pick me up after a teary stressed-out phone call from his nervous wreck of a girlfriend. But seriously. Ugh. Transperth needs a die a fucking slow and painful death right now, like it always has.

All this because I can't fucking afford a car right now. Because I can't work. Because my job is shift work and therefore I have to work 8 hours, which I CANNOT do - because of uni every day.

It's an endless circle which I just can't get out of.

Can't even cheer myself up due to having four things due next week, including an analytical essay and mid-semester exam for bioscience. Yeehaw. Should totally not be going out with a billion people on the weekend but hey, STFU, I want to get drunk with my lovely ladies.

So that has been my fantastic day. Hope it pleased.
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