::dusts this fucker off::

Dec 06, 2014 23:34

Hi! Here's a meme I stole from nerdork, who is just generally awesome.

10 Secrets, Or Something

- I just discovered that according to the Chinese zodiac, I am actually a rabbit/hare, not a dragon. Explains a lot.
- I kind of like that one Taylor Swift song. You know the one.
- I wrote (uhhh, am still writing) terrible fanfiction of Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch. Am not even sorry.
- I really don't have any secrets.
- Damn
- Uh
- This is hard
- I thought Liam Neeson was pretty hot in that Seth MacFarlane movie.
- I generally think Liam Neeson is pretty hot.
- I also think Seth MacFarlane is kind of hot.

9 Loves

- Shoes
- The Internet
- Buying shoes on the internet
- Dogs
- Horses
- Nice socks
- Kittycats
- Gravity Falls
- Sleeping

8 Fears

- Screwing stuff up
- Heights
- Spiders
- Mice
- Snakes
- Depression
- Strangers
- The dark

7 Wants

- Floral-print sneakers
- Waterproof boots for stall-muckin'
- More socks
- More art supplies
- More work
- More mental fortitude to do said work
- More sleep (better sleep)

6 Places You Want To Go

- Scotland (ideally someplace by the ocean)
- Somewhere in Scandinavia (see above)
- New York City
- The Grand Canyon
- Australia
- Yellowstone National Park

5 Foods

- Pizza
- Grilled cheese sandwiches
- Vegetarian corn dogs
- Ice cream
- Muffins

4 Books

I seriously cannot think of 4 books I've enjoyed in recent memory WHAT HAS MY LIFE BECOME

3 Films

- The Royal Tenenbaums
- Coraline (which is based on a book!)
- Jaws

2 Songs

- "Devonside" by Richard Thompson
- "Roar" by Katy Perry

1 Picture of Yourself


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