Jun 09, 2007 23:10
It's amazing to me how much fantasy and fiction can really affect us. It can, though, doubtless. That's always been my argument to say that all of the characters actually exist, by the way - how could something affect us if it didn't exist? It couldn't; it's as simple as that.
But what implications does that leave for so-called reality? Existing and taking material form are two different things entirely. For example, one could note that the existence of unicorns (immaterially) casts an unfair shadow over real horses who, although justly magnificent in their own right, cannot be something that they aren't. It's utterly unfair to compare the two. And the horse actually has many wonderful things that men may desire but never find in a unicorn. A material form, the willingness to work hard and side-by-side with humans, strength and sturdiness, a humble lack of bothersome fame (no luck for the unicorn!)... etc. I could go on, or pick another example.
But then what of the man who yearns for a unicorn? Is he fated to be labled as "out of touch with reality" for the rest of his life? Will he be content with his magnificent steed without a feeling of settling? Does he hold a hope - and isn't it a hope in vain? - that somewhere, there's a *material* unicorn?
...In other news, I've been reading WAY too many Yugioh fanfics. XD And there was a lovely thunderstorm briefly this evening. And Case called me! ^^