Jun 08, 2007 01:54
I utterly wish I had a yami. *chuckles* Living in a fantasy world is fun, yes? Min, I know you know what I mean. If you're reading this. Seeing as you haven't updated in FOREVER. *subtle hint* Ne? Oi. Mou jikan jyan?
I have decided that dragons are a major part of my life. They've sort of surrounded me without my notice, but I have apologized and acknowledged them. They seem pacified. Although one of them still lacks a name. *ponders*
In other news, my trip to Maryland was quite enjoyable, when it wasn't sad. I absolutely adore both Jim and John. I'd like to call Jim Granddad, but I'm not sure how Mom feels about it. John is an absolute sweetheart, and I'm going to make some CDs for him. It was also good to see two sets of grandparents, two sets of aunt/uncles, several cousins, several second cousins, and "other." XD Matt's really grown up - I can't believe he's married! o.O But I quite like his wife (so weird to say, like whoa)... whose name I can never remember. -_-; Great, Rissa. Really impressive. Anyway... there are other members of my family who are a bit more aggravating, but I'll chalk it up to idosyncracies and call it endearing for now. Who knows how long they'll be around?
I have a cold sore. It hurts. I just noticed it about an hour ago. Ouch.
Fresh berries and toast make for a perfect breakfast.
The summer seems endless and too short at the same time.