Dec 23, 2013 22:49
I've decided to be more positive and less whiny in my journal, this is my private journal. Well as private as public posting can be but I've been looking back through my journals and I'm kind of whiny and bitchy. I wouldn't want to live with me. I wouldn't want to confide or talk to me about issues between us if I were my husband. I am not to blame for his choices. I did not deserve what he did to break my trust. No matter what I've done he had no right to make those choices. However I can see how my choices may have made him feel pushed away or less than. It was never my intention to push him away I tried to bring him back to me.
So anyway positive. He's trying. He tells me he loves me without me saying it first. He misses me and he talks to me all the time. I know part of it is that he's on half days and he has the free time. I am sure things will change when he goes back to work full time. But I feel good about the way things are going. Sometimes I feel like he's still hiding something. I'm hoping it's just left over from when he actually did.
doing the work,
new year