Jan 15, 2013 12:43
Monday started early which I guess is a good thing. Booger watched 3 movies and lots of cartoons. Then he decided at 4 in the afternoon he NEEDED a bubbly bubbly bath. No problem kid I have laundry I need to fold. But since he was watching movies I got trash picked up and the dishwasher loaded and unloaded. Changed a movie over for him and cleaned the half bath, and swept in the kitchen. I still need to mop but its cleaner than it was. I swear for most of the afternoon the bathroom smelled like pee worse than it did before I cleaned it. Ick I love males. Anyway bathtime was good it let me get laundry folded and started and some reading done. YAY! Hubby came home at 6 and I realized oh hell I have nothing set out for dinner, so I made a Toxic Hell run and booger was happy. By 7 I was ready for that child of mine to be in bed. But he was in bed by 830 and asleep by 930ish. I finished my book, and was in bed by 1 up unitl almost 3 though. I just couldn't fall asleep.
Hubby also brought the news home from work that the dates got messed up and the movers are coming to get our stuff to ship to Oklahoma the 24th and 25th instead of the 28th and 29th like we planned. We can't leave until the 31st so this leaves us with a whole week of living with the bare necessities. The USO put out today that David Ortunga and Stephanie McMahon are going to be here signing autographs and taking pictures for the grand opening of the new building. If I'd known yesterday I would have made plans to go but I am not dressed or ready to go out in public today. I've been cleaning and I stink. They'd be gone by the time I got there. It's just not worth the effort. If it were Mr. Cena I would be there come hell or high water. I like stephanie but I'd rather see her husband. I wish it were Randy Orton but he's not allowed on post. Guess that's what happens when you go AWOL and get dishonorably discharged. Maybe Kamfly and I will go see a show in Wichita when I get home.
mix up,