Aug 28, 2011 22:01
Irene has come and left us here in Maryland. We suffered no damage. I've done a little driving around and I can see some trees down and such. It seems we've escaped with very little damage. I prepared the house for loss of electricity and water. We lost neither. We did lose our satellite for a bit but other than that we didn't get inconvienced very much.
We've had a quiet summer, Hubby's parents came for a visit. I've never been so happy to take someone to the airport before. I love my inlaws but they were a handful. We did touristy things and took the booger with us. He did really well and had a ball but he didn't like his routine being messed with. We did a tour of the Mouments and such down in DC, drove up to Gettysburg, we visited a couple of the Smithsonian museums. The Air and Space Museum was much smaller than I expected. The Natural History Musuem was very large. We didn't stay for very long. The best way for us to do all the Monuments was from a trolley tour. We didn't walk around all of them. My FIL has COPD and couldn't handle that much walking. But I think if they come to visit again I'll take my MIL down and do the walking stuff she wants to with her.
Gettysburg was a whole experience. We did the self guided driving tour. It took several hours and was a lot of drive here get out and look then drive more. I think I would have enjoyed going through the Museum and the Cemetary more than the driving part. I would have liked to look around town more. It's hard to do that kind of thing all in one day with a toddler. But the booger was a trooper and did very well most of the day.
Blake Shelton will be here next Friday. I'm so excited. I might have to write him a tweet!
freaking out,
history nut