the maine & cartel

Apr 30, 2010 14:39

I went to see The Maine/Cartel Last night :}

Okay so I had to babysit so I didn’t get there as early as I wanted, but my aunt came home early for me which made it somewhat better and I found it nice of her. I ended up getting there later than I even though I would if she got home on time though because of stupid traffic. It was fine though because there were only like 10 people a head of me and I ended up getting about middleish in the bar.

Stereo Skyline put on a great show and their songs were really fun, it made me sad that I wasn’t in to them that much previous to the show. It was their drummer’s bday or something and I feel bad because no one even recognized him after the show. I kind of wanted a drum stick so that I could ask him to sign it or something after but I was too far away.

Artist Vs Poet was kewl too. I like them but not really. I also couldn’t see them because some morbidly tall person got in front of me and pissed just about everyone behind me, as well, off. He was pretty cool though once I talked to him except he kept being the one to ignite mosh pits. I'm pretty sure he bent my glasses.

Cartel was SOOO good but some bros thought it would be appropriate to mosh every two seconds and people were crowd surfing so much. It was really annoying and I got hit in the head so many times but it allowed me to get pretty close to the front for the maine.

The maine was good obv. John didn’t seem too drunk but he kept making this really high voice lol it was cute. People got up on the bar tables and danced and he said it was like coyote ugly and then said that pittsburgh was full of crazies. He was ~right about that. Then he got on the speakers and started dancing which was really qt idk. Kennedy messed up his part in "this is the end"  but his voice was so pretty it made up for it. After the last song Garrett threw Pat’s drum stick and it hit me and fell to the floor and I stood on it so I could lean down and get it but i had flats on and some bitch decided to take it. I tried to take it back from her but she was like “NOOO I GOT IT FIRST.” and her boyfriend was right there and I didn’t particularly want to make a scene so I let it go but now I wish i didn’t.

I was going to stay for we the kings but I don’t really listen to them that much and I’d rather go hang out so I went outside and they were there. They were setting up though and didn’t have time for pix but I got to talk to Travis a little bit. Clayton from stereo skyline was there but lol tbh I didn’t even realize. Like I figured it was him/he was from a band but I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to look like an idiot so I waited for other people to walk up to him first. We sat around for awhile talking to him and then he was like “I have to go to Mcdonalds before they close. Wanna come?” and then went on and on about how amazing the dollar menu is when you’re in a band. So I went to Mcdonald’s for awhile but I didn’t want to miss the maine so I left.

Will from Cartel was standin’ around and like no one knew who he was really. So I talked to him for awhile about the maine’s van and he was like wow I wish our fans did that and then people realized he was in a band and was like “CAN WE SIGNYOUR VAN” and he was like suree it’s a piece of crap anyway then he asked me if i wanted to sign it so I was like the third person too which was kewl i guess. I didn’t know what to put. Then we were talking about the internet and he said that everyone h8s him so i told him that they’re like the one band a lot of people don’t really make fun of that much and that somehow led to us talking about fbg and he said to write it on his van so he’d remember to check and see if i wasn’t lying because he didn’t believe me. He was so adorable omg i love cartel.

Then Pat and Garrett came out but went straight to the van so I just waiting around by the edge of the place because I didn’t want to be too blatantly creepy. Some asian kid walked past and Garrett tapped the window like “HEY MAN?! WANNA HERE THE NEW RECORD?” and he was shocked I think because he was just like uh sure and then garrett was like “WELL COME ON TO THE OTHER SIDE” and ofc like 7 girls walked up to the van. I didn’t really want to because I didn’t want to be creepy but I thought what the fuq ever and did anyway but I wasn’t so obnoxious about it and like 5 sifs stuffed themselves in and Garrett was like “Mayybe you could squeeze in but I think the van has met it’s capacity :" I figured it would be awkward with 5 fangirls in there anyway so I just walked away and let it go and now I really wish I didn’t once again. I could still hear the songs though and they sounded pretty kewl.

After that Garrett got out and it was obvious he was busy but like five girls still swarmed around him but he pm just signed stuff really quick and left. Then Pat came out like 5 minutes later lol and like no one even said hi except one or two. Poor Pat. I got a picture with him but then he was like “Sorry, I really have to go but I’ll be back!” Then Jared came out and I talked to him for a bit and got a picture but he said him and Pat were going out to eat and would be back in 20 minutes.

Garrett came back out and I talked to him about absolutely nothing for like 10-15 minutes and I asked if he would sign something but he was like “ahh Can you go find me a marker?” Of course all the stupid girls signing the maine’s van, totally oblivious that the band was right there because they have no clue about anyone aside from John Ohhh, wouldn’t give us one, so I had to go ask the merch people who told me to go look for Mark or something but I just figured it wasn’t that important and I was wasting time. I was really scared he’d be mean because he seems like he would be but he was actually really, really nice to me. Maybe because I was one of the only people who stood with him instead of just realizing he was in the band at the last moment and then asking for a picture and leaving.

Jared was reallly awkward we just talked about food and then I asked him about the whole aim thing and he acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about and to ask John. Then I was like lol yeah you do don’t act like you don’t and I told him the name of the chat he was like “oh yeah you caught me. that was pretty fun though” and we talked about powerspace and he said that they actually really thought it was Kevin until they got in there but they had nothing better to do anyway. Then I left because it was just getting awkward and these stupid girls kept acting elite and huddling Jared like they were friends or something, but it was obvious they were just asking him to do something.

Pat was such a sweetie. :3 I really wish I would have talked to him more but I didn’t know what to even say, which is weird because I had so much planned in my mind. I got another picture and then asked him to sign something and that was pretty much it which makes me really upset because he and Garrett were the only ones I’ve never met before, and I spent the least time with them, Pat especially. He was still really nice and adorable though. Garrett was like five feet away signing stuff and he looked over and Pat was like "Hi Garrett :3" and waved a little. OH MY GOD IT WAS SO CUTE. He said they weren't coming to Pittsburgh next time though, even though pm everyone else lied and said maybe to the people asking. oh well maybe they'll have a columbus date :-(

Kennedy came out and omg his new haircut looks ugly in pictures but he loox so good with it in real life. I got a picture with him and then left for awhile but then I saw him again and got a video for Anne. He kept almost getting ran over by the instruments and then got yelled at but he followed behind the guy to get on his nerves. It was qt. We were going to go to McDonalds but it was closed. He walked around a lot and remained unnoticed.

Then WTK was over and McDonalds started getting mad because people were still there, and even more than before, but I wanted to w8 for John. He finally came out and of course a group of like 20 people came over as opposed to the 5-10 people that would come to the others. I pushed to the front of the line though bc lol fuq that and got a picture and a sign for khanh. Then I felt bad because some of these people really wanted to meet him so I told him I’d be back and let the others go ahead of me. THEN MCDONALDS STARTING KICKING PEOPLE OUT and those stupid huddle girls were there but I let them do their thing or w/e and then when they finally left to bother the rest of the band I started talking to John again but we had to walk and talk because the McDonalds manager was a douchebag. We talked about random stuff and then I asked him if he remembered the whole Powerspace thing and, unlike Jared, he was really enthusiastic about it and at first I thought maybe he was just acting like he remembered but he went on an on about how hilarious it was. I apologized for me and a lot of other people as well embarrassing ourselves and telling them to gtfo and explained that we thought they were trolls and he made a sad face and basically asked why I called him a troll and said it was mean omg. Then he said it should happen again and I told him next time he’s on maybe and he was like YEAHH this time we can make it a video chat thing and I told him I would be waiting and he high fived me? Then we talked about it a little bit more and high fived me again which was pretty random but wow I hope he wasn’t kidding. I don’t really think he was though. Then I left and it was over wow I really love that band o k. I'm probably forgetting a lot of details but w/e this is tl;dr enough





and again~


Pat again :3



4 Khanh

these were the only decent show shots I got and they aren't good:

my camera sux but I got a few good videos.
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