Feb 07, 2010 09:34
The long tailed white cat seems to have passed on last night or this morning. The body was still pliable. I'm not sure if it's one of mom's mousers or one of the cats from the neighboring farms I'm pretty sure it's mom's though. At any rate, kitty is buried out by Chubbs in the graveyard.
Had to chase Merlin back inside. I'm not up to him wandering around the property. I only just barely started on my coffee before the girls came in to tell me about finding kitty by the house.
I hate having to bury the kitties, whether our or strays. I curled kitty up to "sleep" so kitty would be "warm." Yes, I know that technically I can just toss a dead creature in a hole and be done with it... instead of saying prayers while digging a "bed." I suppose that explains where part of me was last night., since I had some garbled dreams that involved crying and being held... a lot of jumbled things that I don't feel like trying to sort and bring fully up.
So strange where the girls found the cat, there are many warm places the cats go to sleep, but laying right under the drip line of the house and not even having bothered to go under?
edit 11:06 AM
Talked to mom. She says the cat was either from across the road (nearest farm/ranchstead) or one someone dropped off. Still bummed out. She thinks the cat may have fallen off the roof based on the description of area found and how it was... hadn't even thought of cats on the roof.