(no subject)

Sep 06, 2004 13:27

I've been crazy busy all week, did lots of readings - managed to customise my tarot deck by spilling a lot of water on it and the turqouise scarf it was wrapped in (which proceeded to dye my cards blue- it is good I am fond of the colour I suppose). Work was hectic in the ways work gets when all the bosses are away and various official people are calling to ask about what it is that Sure Start does for the community exactly and can I give them a nice statement for the local papers - a challenge I rose to by summoning the improvasation of theatre and creativity of my essay-writing days

Had lovely fun-filled weekend - went to see Measure for Measure at the Globe on Saturday - it was an excellent production, the only downside was the seating - seatbacks and cushions are well-worth investing in I think.

House and home is a mess and I'm attempting to pack for Australia and make heartbreaking decisions about how many shoes to leave behind. Still, I have managed to locate both my passport and my plane tickets so I am most encouraged that all shall end well. The toughest part of the trip is going to be surviving Tokyo airport probably, as we will be deprived of any entertainment we do not make ourselves.

And to end on a light note, here's an extract from an email from a friend this morning to soothe all those who loathe toil without thanks:.

nina wrote:
I admire the fact that you're still working insane hours without having invested in a machine gun and murdered the lot of them, frankly. Are you saving your nervous breakdown for your thirties?

Chris replied:
Unfortunately Nina this is not the States where showing identification in a
gun shop for purchasing tactical nuclear weapons is deemed unconstitutional
for limiting personal liberty and the right of every person to defend its
home. Therefore i have to resort in a rather more crude way in dispatching
my colleagues, but then sometimes beauty lies in simplicity. Its not rare
for me to spend entire business meetings ( 4 or 5 docile engineers listen to
an aggressive drunken woman ranting unintelligibly) thinking of ways to send
my boss in the great big pub in the sky and getting away with it.

friends, a few good men, amusement, social whoring

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