placeholder for literacy

Apr 12, 2011 11:58

There are 5 half-written and semi-literate posts in my drafts, where they have been sitting for two months thus proving definitively that children being seen and not heard was what allowed Victorians to be a productive people.

Even though Helena has begun settling herself to sleep for naptimes by herself(she truly is the pinnacle of every dream I ever had), I do not appear to have substantially more free time. I have no idea where precious naptime goes, I suspect I have been frittering it away to procure little heart-shaped sunglasses and darling teeny red-tshirts with the money which I also don't have.

The unseasonably warm srping is infecting my brain with enthusiasm and impulse consumerist decisions. Tomorrow the baby and I jet off for a week to the Old Country attend the wedding of a dear friend and testify in medical malpractice lawsuit (well Helena won't be a part of the latter of course, even though she has been practising her public speaking recently whenever she found herself at a loose end). The trip promises to be relaxing, but in the meantime my stomach is churning with its familiar pre-travel anxiety and my bed is covered in a variety of dresses and hosiery and sunhats for both the adult and the pre-walking set and my mind has given up and wondered off somewhere for cocktails.

Finally, a cautionary tale of theft and cunning:

Covet not thy brother's cup, Helena! Tsk tsk.

parenthood, photography, blather

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