(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 15:07

Who wants to work, when one can do memes instead?
And out of curiosity why are so many of my flist seemingly opposed to memes that are not of the *I shall be full of lurid colours and distort your Friends Page Mwahahahahhahaha* variety?

To me memes are just harmless, timewasting fun, but it seems to many others they represented things than range from Ennui to Offence, and it makes me curious as to their reasoning/

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet kesstrel? At Matt's birthday party
2.~What would you do if you had never met hollowfulofhat? I'd be thinking up of ways to meet her
3.~What do you honestly think of bisonwife? I think she's utterly marvellous
4.~Would or did bisonbaby and tjej go out? I think the age difference is a bit extreme there
5.~Have you ever liked vodka_fairy? Sure. I still like her. A fan of Trinny and Susannah is a friend of mine
6.~If tubewalker died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That I was super-glad to know him and that he should take a left at the Cumulus for the shortcut to the Pearly Gates
7.~Would sorceresz and nanji make a good couple? I think not
8.~Describe norantiskitchen in 3 words: Interesting, funny, talented
9.~Do you think biascut is hot? She's cute. And I like her outfits.
10.~Would ocean_rain_85 and amuchmoreexotic make a lovely couple? Only if they both abandoned their value systems and everyone had too much to drink
11.~What do you think of when you see ultraruby? That she's super super super spiffy
12.~Tell me something humiliating about nanji: I couldn't possibly defile her pedestal
13.~Do you know any of haggisthesecond's family members? Her husband
14.~What's auzerais's favorite color? I actually don't know :(
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is scottiedog? 10
16.~What would you do if strange_powers just professed their undying love for you? Be utterly stunned and deeply embarassed
17.~What language does bisonbaby speak? A dialect of English
18.~Who is offensive_mango going out with? A very tall fellow called Jon
19.~Is norantiskitchen a boy or a girl? She's all woman
20.~Would guihong and strange_powers make a good couple? No. I don't think they are each other's types
21.~Who do you think bluedevi would be great with from this list? Everyone loves Bluedevi, she could have her pick
22.~When was the last time you talked to tjej? This morning
23.~What is vodka_fairy's favorite band? I haven't a clue
24.~Does sorceresz have any siblings? She has several
25.~Would you ever date nanji? She is a goddess, but I think we're best off sticking to the union of minds
26.~Would you ever date biascut?I don't think it would be a good idea
27.~Is mzdt single? yes
28.~What is hoshuteki's last name? I actually haven't a clue so I'll just pretend I know but that he wouldn't want it bandied all over the internets
29.~What is guihong's middle name? I haven't the faintest
30~What is auzerais's fantasy? I think possibly something along the lines of being an infamous writer of novels. Or of wondering around the biggest second-hand bookshop in the world and being allowed to browse for as long as she wants
31.~Where does norantiskitchen live? An allegedly magical place called Lavander Hill
32.~Would you make out with miss_newham? if we were single and she enticed me with her hair
33.~Are hoshuteki and miss_newham best friends? It would be nice if they were. They certainly seem to be getting along smashingly
34.~Does hollowfullofhat like auzerais? No because they don't know each other. But I think they'd like each other if they met
35.~How did you meet guihong? She stopped in London on her england travels
36.~Is biascut older than you? I think so
37.~Is amuchmoreexotic the sexiest person alive? All others pale besides Romany

friends, meme

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