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you had me at "gun in her motherfucking bra" flange5 February 16 2009, 00:34:39 UTC
I wonder what that says about either of us?


I am downloading all of them right now, and am only sorry that I won't be able to binge it all tonight . . .

Also . . . the condemned murderer guy reminds me a lot of #2 delinquent in Rookies . . . is that just me?

After the last trauma, some badass asskicking sounds wonderful \o/

Sign me up!


WHICH SHE USES. She's a very efficient badass. darkeyedwolf February 16 2009, 00:42:18 UTC
That is indeed Shirota Yuu, aka Shinjo. Japan can't decide if he's a teenager or a criminal mastermind -- a full year before Rookies, he was actually playing a highschool teacher...

*happy wiggle* And how goes the drama depression?


Re: WHICH SHE USES. She's a very efficient badass. flange5 February 16 2009, 00:54:57 UTC
And how goes the drama depression?


It took desperate measures.

By which I mean that last night, Boy and I made up a drinking game for the AAA Dome concert and sat down with crackers, cheese and plum wine.

"Jun camera-whoring--DRINK!"

"Does that really qualify? He didn't even use tongue!."

"Shut up and drink."

" . . . OK."

Aiba kicky leg, Ohno "V" sign, Sho!fail, anyone falling down, inappropriate touching, gratuitous hip-thrusting . . . all of these counted . . .

very small sips, I tell you . . .

Anyway. I think I've recovered from the drama trauma.

Sadly, my internet connection blows monkey chunks right now, and there's no reason: I actually pay for my cable internet . . . :P

But I am very much looking forward to this show ^_^ I want to see a female cop in a Jdrama who is effective (still irritated about SP for that).


darkeyedwolf February 16 2009, 01:14:28 UTC
Aiba kicky leg, Ohno "V" sign, Sho!fail, anyone falling down, inappropriate touching, gratuitous hip-thrusting . . . all of these counted . . .

Dude, I'm surprised you're not in a hospital somewhere. The groping alone would send you well on your way to liver failure.

I want to see a female cop in a Jdrama who is effective

*waves* Look no further! Koshonin is a breath of fresh air. I was going to scream if I saw one more drama with Fukada Kyoko the perky policewoman, dazzling hardened veteran cops with her charm and style. *slits throat*


flange5 February 16 2009, 01:24:08 UTC
Dude, I'm surprised you're not in a hospital somewhere. The groping alone would send you well on your way to liver failure.

Midway through, we started getting very picky as to what counted as camera-whoring, etc . . . If it had been Iza, the Sakumiya alone would have killed us. As it was, very small sips helped a lot, which is good, because I'm a total lightweight ^_^; But I finally figured out a way to get the Boy to watch concerts with me ^_^v And he said it looked like a lot of fun \o/

my evil plans move apace . . .

*waves* Look no further! Koshonin is a breath of fresh air. I was going to scream if I saw one more drama with Fukada Kyoko the perky policewoman, dazzling hardened veteran cops with her charm and style. *slits throat*

YES! Why does my internet hate me? I don't have to teach until 4:30 tomorrow >_< (sure I have to read around 2000 lines of Middle English romance about a glow-in-the-dark dispossessed Danish king with a sparkly golden cross birthmark and write a quiz, but hey! I could do that in my sleep ^_^ ( ... )


darkeyedwolf February 16 2009, 01:29:19 UTC
Decent ratings. I had assumed they chopped the episode order due to the brief decline there, but since there's a special in the works (yay!) I guess they only intended eight after all.

Middle English romance about a glow-in-the-dark dispossessed Danish king with a sparkly golden cross birthmark

fsdlfjsdf my mind was still on Arashi when I read this, so I saw "birthmark" and thought "Aiba glows in the dark? Danish king? What?"


flange5 February 16 2009, 01:39:12 UTC

Thank you for that image of Aiba as Havelok . . . there's this scene where he kills something like 50 men with a door-bar--a big plank of wood . . . I can just see it . . .

Also, since he glows in the dark when he sleeps (there's a golden light that comes from his mouth), he gets outed when his people see a light under the door and come in to yell at him for partying late into the night. When they realize that he's their long-lost king (because who else would logically glow in the dark), the wake him up by kissing his feet, "toes, tips and nails." He wakes up and freaks out because a) 100 men are in his room sucking on his toes and b) he assumes that this means they're there to kill him ^_ ( ... )


darkeyedwolf February 16 2009, 02:05:26 UTC
He wakes up and freaks out because a) 100 men are in his room sucking on his toes

Well, who can blame him. We all fear those toesucking assassins.

I kind of love the way he sometimes clearly deliberately sets up his concert costumes to show off his birthmark

When I was into Arashi (I know, I know, for shame, it's in past tense) I had an entire folder just for pictures where Aiba's birthmark was predominant. >__> It wasn't creepy, it was appreciative of his uniqueness!


flange5 February 16 2009, 02:10:00 UTC
It's not creepy at all ^^" Probably. And Aiba's love for his birthmark makes it much cuter, I think, than it otherwise would be . . .

Past tense . . . bah ^_~

What's funny about that is that my fangirling tends to be very intense and have a shelf-life of about a year but for some reason, I haven't moved on like the pop-culture locust I usually am . . . kind of weird, actually ^^"

And Aiba is definitely a unique puppy.


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