Koshonin: Don'tcha wish your mother was hot like me?

Feb 15, 2009 17:46


She's the police negotiator looking for answers. He's the incarcerated killer with helpful advice when he's not hallucinating. Together, they blur the lines of crime!

... aka the drama that single-handedly did more for Japanese feminism than the rest of the year's shows combined. Our heroine is a trained police negotiator, tough, smart, and fierce; she's the first female negotiator in her unit and the only woman in a department of sexist pigs, and not only does she deflect their shit, she schools them when they get grabby. She has no love interest. She needs no one's approval. There's no whining for the respect of her male coworkers -- I can't in good conscience call any jdrama realistic (snort), but Koshonin isn't a plucky comedy about a female cop who captures the heart of her unit with charm and style. Instead, we have Usagi Reiko: she's doing her job for a reason, and if the boys don't like it, that's their problem.

Plus? Gun in her motherfucking bra.

Plus plus? Obsence amounts of sexual tension with death row inmate Shirota Yuu, who licks the glass that separates them while Usagi glares.

Plus? Did I mention gun in her motherfucking bra??

According to wiki, Yonekura Ryoko took Israeli defense lessons to prepare for this role. IT SHOWS. *__*

Usagi Reiko is grade-A badass. She can shoot you without flinching. She can take you down without a hair out of place. She'll walk in a den of hostages with the police cowering behind her. See that? Even trained law enforcement is hiding behind their shields. "Shit, this lady is too hardcore for us. My balls just shriveled in shame at her mere presence. Maybe she'll sign an autograph and I can be content with one small piece of her everlasting unyielding awesome."

Are you going to fuck with this face? No you are not.

She's also a former ballerina, so she could probably pistolwhip you and kick your ass at the same time. If she decided you were worth the trouble.

Usagi has a complicated relationship with convicted murderer Mariya...

By complicated, I mean full of UST.

What? I said she didn't have a love interest, not that I didn't plan a lot of porn in my head. (The drama tries to cop out by explaining Usagi's attention as motherly. It might carry more weight if their country didn't breed Oedipal complexes...)

Mariya is connected to an incident in Usagi's past, but in no hurry to tell her what he knows. Their visits consist of a mindgames, heated staring, and the occasional piece of advice from Mariya, when a case is giving Usagi trouble. (But remember: motherly. motherly.)

Can't you just feel the maternal instinct?

Of course, things would be a lot easier if Mariya stopped seeing dead people...

When she's not questing for truth, defusing bombs or talking down jumpers, Usagi finds time to school lesser mortals:

Here she is delivering a swift public smackdown. There's nothing girly about it, it's a solid FIST to the guy's FACE.

The best part? Usagi's name. All this hard-hitting, gun-toting high-speed girlpower is brought to you by a character named RABBIT. It's its own kind of burn.

"How was your day, dude?" "Oh, I got bodychecked by a former ballerina named Rabbit... "


cast: yonekura ryoko, genre: dangerous ladies, genre: crimefighting, cast: saito shota, ****, cast: shirota yuu, cast: tanaka kei, *country: japan, genre: adventures in asskicking, cast: takaoka sousuke

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