Aug 20, 2011 14:30
cast: amami yuki,
cast: toda erika,
cast: takenouchi yutaka,
genre: friendship/teamwork,
screenwriter: hayashi hiroshi,
cast: kinami haruka,
genre: dangerous ladies,
genre: crimefighting,
genre: canon gay,
cast: hasegawa kyoko,
cast: mizobata junpei,
genre: hilarity and hijinks,
cast: tamayama tetsuji,
cast: narumi riko,
*country: japan
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And how much do I love that Boss is the show where the LADIES get all the serious plot and the guys... hang around being comic relief.
YES. Well, I did feel S2 was a bit of a boys' club at times, but then Kimoto came back and the girls were literally ribbing each other for space because THEY WERE MANY AND ALL OF THEM WERE AWESOME.
If by chance we do get a movie/SP/third season, I really really hope they can bring back the full cast. *_______* There's just so much POTENTIAL there with re-integrating Kimoto and everyone dealing with certain spoilery revelations.
Except when Katagiri is contractually obligated to angst, but he does that so beautifully, it's okay
(Was I the only one shipping Tadokoro/Hanagata, btw?? I MEAN SERIOUSLY.)
I KNOW. I keep looking at all these mystery/cop dramas and thinking, well, you look kind of interesting... but can you fill Osawa's void? Answer: NOT LIKELY.
Well, I did feel S2 was a bit of a boys' club at times
Ahaha I wish they'd given Mariko more to do, even if Tadakoro was pretty hilarious on her own. But given that Osawa was kind of, uh, blackmailing a college student into being her tech genius, I guess they couldn't actually let her go into the field...
(Was I the only one shipping Tadokoro/Hanagata, btw?? I MEAN SERIOUSLY.)
I didn't think of it at the time but I am entirely prepared to welcome this especially since she *SPOILERED* him because I am a terrible person that way And they never DID explain the whole deal with Tadakoro. WAS SHE REALLY MARRIED/DIVORCED? HOW DOES THIS TIE INTO *SPOILER*? WHAT WAS UP WITH ALL THAT. I demand a season 3 just so they elaborate on all this! (Also, that last bit on the last scene? "UNTIL THE NEXT CASE"? THEY'RE TOTALLY FISHING FOR IT)
Also, all that Osawa/Nodate. ALL THAT OSAWA/NODATE. *_____*
RIGHT? I think I may have to go back and just rewatch my favorite eps from the first season. Nothing else will be BOSS. It's a fruitless search.
But given that Osawa was kind of, uh, blackmailing a college student into being her tech genius, I guess they couldn't actually let her go into the field...
BAH. Did you notice how often they had guns? Clearly the drama didn't care about realism from the Japanese police force. XD
(If we do get some kind of sequel, I hope they don't just write off her character since Kimoto is back. The team has room for two techies! Actually, since Kimoto is a full-fledged detective now, her old position should technically be open... COME BACK FROM COLLEGE AND LEND THEM YOUR SKILLS, RIKA!)
My first thought was OH MAN THE FRIEND GUY WAS HER ABUSIVE HUSBAND ALL ALONG??? But I don't think that makes sense since she was still working for Friend Guy even after her divorce. Maybe it's just supposed to be a character trait? Her falling under the influence of dominate men until Osawa gives her a reason to break away from them all?
I don't know when I started shipping her and Hanagata, but I was getting kind of hardcore about it by the end. XD They spent so much time together! They both had curious fashion habits! THEY COULD GO SHOPPING!
And seriously, imagine their kids. XD "So how did you guys get together?" "Well, first mommy shot me..."
Actually, since Kimoto is a full-fledged detective now, her old position should technically be open...
One of my favourite moments in the last ep was when Rika started decoding the disc and Kimoto was all, WOAH FAST like she didn't know whether she should be insulted or become BFFs. XD Anyway, Kimoto totally spent her 2 years taking a level in badass, THERE'S ROOM FOR BOTH OF THEM. Rika can be the resident tech genius while Kimoto goes out in the field to defuse bombs and disarm terrorists. And then together they can CRUSH THE BOYS WITH THEIR COMBINED IQ AND SNARK.
In hindsight I kind of wondered whether Tadakoro's marriage/divorce was actually her code-speak for the mole gig and maybe she was never really married at all. But then why bother telling them she got divorced? What WAS she so afraid of at the bank? And if she WAS married how does it all tie into her being a mole? Was she being a mole for the money for her abusive husband? But then she lost that motivation once she got divorced. They left WAY too much stuff hanging with her! Come on, guys, you owe us some answers here.
*snerk* I thought they were pretty cute when Hanagata was teaching her to shoot and she was SO TERRIBLE - and then it turns out SHE DIDN'T NEED THOSE LESSONS. IT WAS ALL AN EXCUSE - to shoot him. I kind of wonder how Hanagata's going to take meeting her again. XD Tadakoro's idea of apologising is probably just giving you onigiri and pretending nothing ever happened.
I kind of have a soft spot for Kimoto/Katagiri myself but I'll buy ANY SHIP Boss decides to sell so long as they throw in Osawa/Nodate to go with it. Those credits! The intro that echoed the first season except it's WORSE because she stole the police bot this time around omg lolol PRICELESS. (Also, Nodata assembling the team for Osawa? EITHER HE'S REALLY DEEP IN DENIAL OR HE'S KNOWN IT FOR YEARS AND JUST WON'T TELL HER. Really, Nodate?)
By the time Rika is done with MIT, Kimoto should be a senior field agent! Definitely enough room for both of them. If the team can justify four male detectives who all seem to share the same duties depending on Osawa's mood, they can damn well scoot over for two female geniuses.
...I was about to say "I'm pretty sure her marriage was genuine because we heard her husband on that phone call" but then I remembered that whole plot was about DEPOSITING MONEY AT THE BANK. Holy hell, that's suspicious mole activity right there. What if the voice wasn't from her husband at all, but her handler?
I loved the shooting range scene. XD And the completely casual way they were walking home together like they'd done it a thousand times before! And did you notice Hanagata was always the one hanging around when the plot hinted at her DV? It's like the writers were trying to say "TADOKORO HAS AN AWFUL HUSBAND BUT LOOK AT THE NICE HARMLESS MAN SHE COULD HAVE INSTEAD. HE WOULD NEVER HURT HER. SHIPITSHIPIT."
I kind of have a soft spot for Kimoto/Katagiri myself
Duuuuuuude. I could TOTALLY get behind that. Actually, I could get behind most BOSS ships. Part of me even liked Hanataga/Kimoto when he was all "BUT YOU'RE USUALLY THE ONE WHO GETS IN THESE SITUATIONS!" Oh, the meta!
Nodate is so deep in denial it's hilarious, though it's my not-so-secret theory that he's been slowly realizing his feelings since the beginning of S2 and trying not to act on them. He'll just, you know, advance her career and take all responsibility for her team and sneakily watch her without ever saying anything. NORMAL FRIENDS DO THAT, RIGHT?
Rika and Kimoto and Osawa on the team together? Would be a glorious sight to behold.
Holy hell, that's suspicious mole activity right there. What if the voice wasn't from her husband at all, but her handler?
YES, EXACTLY. And it's not like we (or anyone on the team) ever SAW any evidence that she was really married, except when she camped at the office because she was afraid to leave...
And hahaha, it's so true. YOU CAN'T GET MORE HARMLESS THAN HANAGATA. Except possibly Yamamura but... to give Hanagata credit, he's cuter even if he dresses like he's in a kdrama as opposed to jdrama XD
It was the way Kimoto kept staring at Katagiri after she came back and everyone knew he had a girlfriend. XD And then guess what, an hour later, HE DIDN'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND ANYMORE. (I remember sort of seeing Hanagata/Kimoto in bits of season 1 but... to be honest I don't think Kimoto would have to patience to stick with him XD)
*cracks up* Yes, keep telling yourself that's TOTALLY NORMAL, Nodate. Especially when, you know, you TALK Osawa into going for a omai and she comes back and is all, WE GOT ON GREAT WE'RE GOING ON A SECOND DATE. NOT JEALOUS AT ALL, RIGHT? You're lucky he was [spoiler]. XD
Now I'm imagining Nodate bugging Osawa in the US with phone calls at the weirdest hours, trying to fool her into coming back to Japan with THERE'S A CONSPIRACY/EMERGENCY, YOU HAVE TO COME BACK AND PROTECT ME! while she's all, did you piss off another girlfriend again? FORGET IT, BUSTER.
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