
Aug 17, 2008 20:34

We've been considering the question of whether Special Agent Taz of the Feline Bureau of Investigation needs a partner, or whether he's better off as the lone wolf loose cannon who can't be reined in.  He seemed very good with the other cats in the shelter, but his little tussle with Dorothy from next door made us think twice.  Today we had another indication that perhaps Taz prefers to be the only game in town.

Today we drove down to Connecticut to help Nora's parents get their yard ready for their big party next weekend.  There was lifting, weeding and general fetching and carrying to be done.  Before heading out, I spent some time hanging out with one of their cats, Beeblebrox, an unpredictable character who is not prone to affection.  He walked around on my lap, flopped next to me, spent some time licking my arm and wrist and generally rubbed himself all over my left side.

Later that evening, I was sitting on the couch with Taz loafing on the couch arm to my left.  I petted him and after a while he started to get agitated.  He paced back and forth, started sniffing my arm and generally acted like he was on the trail of something.  Now, Taz made his name hunting reds back in the 50's; he's tenacious and knows that appearances can be deceptive.  Sure, it may look like my wrist, but it could be a commie other cat in disguise, trying to sneak into the United States of Tazonia.  So, he gave it a quick nip with his teeth to make sure.  I must have tasted like another cat, because next he just went for it, mouth as wide as it will go.  He didn't really bite down, so he just scratched me a little, but it was a surprise because Taz never bites me, even when playing.

Well, the issue of Taz being alone during the day isn't so pressing at the moment.


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