Okay, I am truly desperate here...

Mar 24, 2009 18:01

...but can someone *please* recommend a decent hair stylist for me? I have been going insane. Every time I find one who does a decent job, she leaves the place I get my hair cut and they refuse to tell me where she's gone or how to contact her. The last one was phenomenal. Her name was Franchesca, and she give me the best haircut of my life. And the next time I came back, she was gone, and, as usual, they refused to tell me where she'd gone. I have used whatever leftover investigative journalism skills I have to try to track her down, but to no avail. So, it looks like I must start anew. I swear, I could just scream. I hate this thick, tangled mess of hair, and I need someone who can manage it. I can't afford a $100 haircut, especially not now. So, if you can suggest anyone, I would greatly appreciate it.
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