I characterise my dolls through drawing and photography, so I decided to draw girl!Vian for kicks. XD
Drawn on foolscap <-- stupid idea.
What is with my penchant for drawing on foolscap. D: Now I have to erase all the little lines before I can colour!!! Yet I keep doing it because I think that it'll just be a quick sketch and not worthy of my sketchbook and this then ensues.
Ahhhhh girl!Vian is so moe can I just let him be a girl sometimes? =A= Perhaps I'll go dump girl!Vian love over at
bunnisteffi's Vian, who really is a girl. *prods* Please post Myon-photos you took today!
Photo edit for
jo_sen7. ♥ I think I about died when she sent this photo to me. D: