Writing assignment for the boys

Aug 02, 2011 07:21

I've been planning this for some time, but haven't been able to give the assignment to the boys until now. They're finally both home, under the same roof, and won't be running off to Lord knows where any time soon. School will be starting again here on the 19th and it's time for at least one of my boys to get his brain working again.

The assignment is to write an essay about the Harry Potter books and movies. I came up with this because the boys, like so many, love to pick the movies apart after seeing them for the first time. What did they like? What did they dislike? What was left out that shouldn't have been? What was not in the book but was in the movie? I'm sure you get my point.

Minimum length for the essay is the front and back of two notebook pages, but it still must be long enough to address the questions I want answered. I'll post the essays (due Aug. 18), here when they're complete.

Here are the questions. If you have a question you'd like the boys to answer, don't be shy! Please remember, though, that the boys are 17 and 12 and both have to answer the same questions.

1) Compare the Harry Potter books to the Harry Potter movies.

2) What are some of your favorite scenes from the books? Why?

3) What are some of your favorite scenes from the movies? Why?

4) What are some of the things that were left out of the movies that you think should have been included? Why should they have been included?

5) Explain what you think Dumbledore meant when he told Snape that he (Dumbledore) thought they sometimes Sorted kids too early.

6) Do you think Snape really regretted becoming a Death Eater or did he turn to Dumbledore (and remain loyal to him), only because of his love for Lily? Explain.

7) Should Harry have returned the Elder Wand to Dumbledore's tomb as in the book or broken it as in the movie? Give pros and cons for both actions.

8) What has Harry Potter (the story as a whole), taught you about life?

The boys have been told that they may not discuss their essays with each other as they write. LOL I'd end up with two every similar essays if they did. I'm really interested to see what they come up with.

More on this in a couple of weeks!

summer writing assignment

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